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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. Agreed. Just remarkable how awful this team is at allocating resources in free agency.
  2. Was thinking this too. And, to no one's surprise, Roch did not break the story.
  3. $8M utility guy? I really hope not.
  4. Still holding out hope for Brantley...
  5. Haha. that is a very good comparison actually.
  6. Right. Eight million a year you would have to assume he starts at second. He was decent on the Pirates, could be a good bounce back candidate. But you would think this means Urias gets traded, or Mateo gets traded and Gunnar goes to SS. Just a strange move for a team that seems hesitant to add players at positions they actually needed.
  7. I... I just don't get this team.
  8. I share your frustration. I think two things can be true at one time: Elias has done a great job building the farm and building this team into a contender, and ownership has done a piss poor, pathetic job at giving Elias the rope to supplement the major league roster via free agency. The Angelos sons really seem to be a chip off the old, cheap, block.
  9. Why can't they just spend a little more on a BETTER PITCHER? It's not like their payroll is even remotely close to league average. This should not be so difficult.
  10. Who did we expect them to sign? Better players to supplement the young core so they can win. Eovaldi would not take a $30M contract.
  11. These are fair points WC, and if Elias is pursuing them and making legitimate offers and they choose to go elsewhere, fine. But I would think the Orioles are more attractive for starting pitchers now, for all the reasons Gibson noted (up and coming team, Adley, Walltimore).
  12. Right. I am used to it as a fan, but it does not make it any less frustrating. If you want to make the team better via free agency--which you should be doing as well as drafting smart, making trades, etc.--then actually make the team better, don't bring in warm bodies who aren't an upgrade.
  13. If you are going to sign Wacha (which will probably cost $10-12M), just fork over 5-7M more for Eovaldi, who has higher upside and is better. I don't get this obsession with half measures. Sorry, I know I am a broken record.
  14. Yup. Good move for Thor. They did a great job with Stripling, Heaney, Anderson. Wonder if the Orioles were in on him and he preferred LA, or if they just didn't want to match the Dodgers deal.
  15. I didn't want him either, but it makes you wonder if the Orioles are actually trying to sign a pitcher, or if its just talk.
  16. One year deal. Fits the Orioles' desire of not wanting to commit to a pitcher for too long. Maybe they just weren't interested (even though they met with him via Zoom a few weeks ago) - will be interesting to see the number. My guess is 1 year 16M.
  17. Just sign Eovaldi already.
  18. Wait to see the contract, but overall I am fine with this. Just don't understand what we are actually doing, if the plan was to add a starter...
  19. Right. The goal always has been-or should be-to have home grown players and supplement the team with free agency and trades once the team was ready to compete. The team is ready to compete, and the Orioles should be adding players to fill the final holes. It is frustrating that they do not seem motivated to do that.
  20. Yup. I had some interest in Quintana for the price he got, now that ship has sailed, it should be about getting talent and upside. Eovaldi has both, even if he could also struggle during the deal. Not every contract has to be a Chris Davis mistake, despite what some people think on here. You can be smart in FA.
  21. I agree. I would love Rodon, but seven years at that type of money for a pitcher with his injury history is nuts. Even 5 years is a bit worrisome. I am still holding out hope the Orioles can snag Eovaldi on a three year deal once Rodon has signed.
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