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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. I have watched and loved the game since 1965.. and have enjoyed the drama and rituals .. and was an umpire for years .. But yes, the game is losing its hold because it does many things that are traditional but which don’t necessarily appeal. And when the next TV contract is negotiated and our generation goes away, some teams may be history. Changing the ability for an umpire to just toss a star player in that specific type of situation because that’s the way it has always been is not a sufficient argument to me ..it was the same argument that some people had about replay reviews… “the human factor” That specific part about umpiring is not as appealing any more to me as say the grass and the rest of the game itself.
  2. It seems pretty habitual for most base coaches to gesture like that routinely.
  3. Suppose the new rule was.. in a situation like this … not ejection but a huge fine? Would that be acceptable? I mean “deserved” is because Trey and the umpire and us fans buy the tradition of how this has been done for over a hundred years. On some level, we like the rhubarb and the rituals. And the times when managers and players deliberately escalate to “fire up” or “protect” their cause or team. It is all theater based on ancient rituals of the game. My point is maybe it doesn’t have to be that in game ejection is the only way of maintaining discipline in verbal altercations. And that losing players perhaps makes the product worse. But it is what it is .. another day, another game lol Good discussion! Thanks!!
  4. Good points … but the entertainment value lost to the product by ejections of star players over the years far outweighs an umpire’s feelings and ego imho. Another reason for automation. And he could have easily have ignored it a moment longer till the first batter stepped in which was just about to occur, then it would have probably been done. And no star player removed from the product.. which in our case is bad enough anyway lol It is that subjective “line that can’t be crossed” in these situations that is variable even with usually placid umpires .. maybe the traffic was bad, maybe his wife got on him that day maybe there was a history with him about a similar play of not calling a runner out who turned a bit so now he is going to make up for that with this etc ..
  5. The rules though are made up by the sport. If the sport said Hey .. profanity in the dugout is not a tossabke offense then there would not be the consequence of losing star players. It is theater. With the behavior rules based on the ancient dictates of baseball history. Look at hockey .. i have not seen many ejections for players yelling at refs.. or even for engaging in regular brawls.. that is the theater for that sport There is nothing that says that ejections like Trey’s have to occur. It is just because MLB says so. And they could change it if they want a better product imho
  6. And maybe he has other worries on his mind at times
  7. The umpire was being a jerk.. first the ticky tack call.. it is like calling somebody out for leaving too soon .. or phantom tags .. umpires like attention too .. then he dramatically throws our star player out.. as Ben McDonald said he could havevjust let Trey bark a bit (who knows maybe he might be stressed for reasons not readily seen) but instead injected himself and created a show, playing to the home team and getting himself on TV for his friends and family lol I just think the whole kabuki theater of how umpires must be respected and losing the performance of players is another reason to automate the whole process
  8. If you watch closely you will see our first base coach almost always points to the bag like that … habit ..
  9. Why is Mancini talking loudly about the umpire require ejection?
  10. Free speech.. Mancini doesn’t work for that first base umpire.. why can he not say whatever he wants to say in his own dugout? He is not threatening him, just verbally expressing himself.
  11. Now if Lou Piniella is out pulling up bases or Billy Martin spreading dirt or Earl turning that hat then fine .. ok but that was the theatrics then.. it just doesn’t appeal to me as a fan anymore.
  12. No matter what is being said from the dugout.. why the heck do umpires need to respond to it? Nobody in the stands can hear it and it is not disrupting the game until an overly sensitive, traditional bound umpire walks over and makes it a show. NFL refs hear profanity ALL the time and do nothing to coaches Coach K was totally profane to refs ALL the time .. never got a T
  13. This is theater, period .. performaces performed for us as fans. That is the product. They don’t make widgets. It has nothing to do with a general workforce. The issue is whether the “rhubarb” rituals acted out by plsyers and umpires actualiy improve the product or not. This umpire performance was petty and vain imho and robs fans of seeing the product. Certainly order can be maintained without this 1900s era macho procedure and this arbitrary ability of field umpires makes the game worse imho
  14. He made no step or turn to advance. BS call by umpire .. And the archaic ability of field umpires to eject players needs to go. Mic the umps and the transmission and call can be reviewed off site and if a disciplinary action is needed they can make that determination. But the testosterone fueled, my way or the highway, arbitrary ejection of players is just something from the past that needs to go.
  15. 4-9 plays out to 50 wins which is about right if this is the squad
  16. Trey ran through the base as the off line throw went past the first baseman. He turned in field but made no visble attempt at all to advance. He walked slowly back to first and was tagged and called out. Then was barking from dugout I guess the top of the inning and was tossed
  17. The archaic ability of field umpires arbitrarily ejecting players and managers of their own accord without review needs to go. Umpires should be micd at all times so that any verbal interactions are heard and then just like with replays, an objective off site reviewer can decide if ejection or other sanctions rather than ejection are warranted
  18. And another Make them walk to Detroit. Except for Nestor.
  19. Yankee fans be whining on Pinstripe Alley .. love it!! Just over a week into the season and I’m already finding better things ha to do than watch this team. Embarrassing losing to Baltimore.
  20. From happy Yankees fans Watching Nestor today was brilliant.Watching the rest of these ass clowns is downright unbearable
  21. Pinstripe Alley is funnier Losing a series to the O's. And being shoutout. If u can't hit in Camden yard vs that pitching its gonna be a long yr.
  22. Always nice to win a series on Sunday against the MFYs !!
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