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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. So, to date now with Os at 34-39, it breaks down as follows: I include where the teams are NOW, not when we played them. Teams under . 500 played-Oakland, LA Angels, KC Royals, Detroit Tigers, Seattle, Washington, Chi white sox We are 13-13 against these teams Teams over .500-MFYs, Red Sox, TB, Toronto, Milwaukee, St Louis, Minnesota, Cleveland We are 21-26 against these teams We are 11-9 against teams over .500 in last 20 games compared to 10-17 in first 27 games against them. Let’s update every 25 games or so and see how it goes
  2. Even though Cruz struck out, he knew Wells had thrown only 8 pitches … got him to throw a few more to 13 …
  3. .409 percentage vs losing teams .448 percentage vs winning teams
  4. So, to date now with Os at 30-39, it breaks down as follows: I include where the teams are NOW, not when we played them. Teams under . 500 played-Oakland, LA Angels, KC Royals, Detroit Tigers, Seattle, Washington We are 9-13 against these teams Teams over .500-MFYs, Red Sox, TB, Toronto, Milwaukee, St Louis, Minnesota, Cleveland We are 21-26 against these teams We are 11-9 against teams over .500 in last 20 games compared to 10-17 in first 27 games against them. Let’s update every 25 games or so and see how it goes.
  5. I would love to see us take Cade Horton.. he is already recovered from TJ surgery, was hitting 97 in his great start against Notre Dame..
  6. Gavin had an excellent season, as I said I don’t know if he has the range to stay as MLB CF , but his bat will definitely play. The biggest compliment I can give him is how quiet he is at the plate. Balanced, no extra movement and then explodes at the pitch
  7. Maybe put an anchor on that chain and drown.
  8. This team is playing worse all the time. Maybe if we just played Detroit and KC we might go 0-162.
  9. I am at the Va Tech Hokies Oklahoma superregional!!! Goooo Hokies!!
  10. He likes to hear himself talk like Buck lol..he will likely spend a year doing the TV analyst deal then back to a veteran team Hyde will do just fine with talent.
  11. He has exploded this year and was very good in Cape Cod league I don’t think he stays at short, he is 5”10, 175.. i see him as second base guy but his bat would probably play well Good read about him … although he was getting batting tips from his neighbor … Chris Owings … yikes!! https://roanoke.com/sports/college/va_tech/virginia-tech-shortstop-tanner-schobel-develops-into-likely-draft-pick/article_d24d1040-dbde-11ec-b3c9-8b4974809dd4.html
  12. And another 3-4 night so far for Gavin Cross so far with another long home run .. Hokies pounding Columbia 16-3 …
  13. Trey has been a favorite of mine since I saw him play for the Keys.. he had that sound off the bat that ML stars have. Even then… I remember him in a game in Myrtle Beach and he hit a line drive homer to center that was still rising when it hit the background. One of the hardest hit balls I have ever seen. He is a very good player.
  14. I am at the regional tournament at Virginia Tech this weekend. I have also seen them play several times yhis year . Gavin Cross is a stud, went 4 for 5 in first game last night with a monster HR. Left handed hitter, balanced, power and average, plays CF well He is going to be an excellent ML player
  15. Every MLB rookie must actually prove themselves. No matter the hype or no matter the track record, each player must do it or ultimately fail. A lot of the game is psychologically demanding particularly for a kid with the weight of expectations he has had. I hope Adley does well but he hasn’t yet.
  16. Opinions are just that. People hear what they want to hear. Not sure exactly what the “unaffiliated with Orioles” means, but the doc the Os use is probably not Dr Nick either
  17. If it means trying to comeback from it faster, he should reconsider. It is not just the injury, but even if healed pitchers often change yheir mechanics just a fraction to unconsciously favor it and then you get elbow issues
  18. He is much better in that than Duquette ever was
  19. Lowther is going to be DFA’d. For those who harbored any idea that this team should be buyers ..see Detroit series and this disaster you just hope it doesn’t bleed over into all the games like it did in Detroit. you can’t just get it up for the big boys.
  20. This is not yet the time to buy. Next winter perhaps…If Elias sees good restocking opportunities that will keep the system on an upsurge below the Adley, Grayson, DL call ups, then he will do so and should
  21. He reminds me sometimes of Storm Davis …
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