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Everything posted by tntoriole

  1. Yeah real easy being Brian Cashman and Buck Showalter. When did either of the NY teams win a championship? And if you think rebuilding is just spending more .. let me introduce you to Steve Cohen. A higher than 250 payroll team comes with other baggage and are far from “easy” .. both NY teams are where right now?
  2. Yes, he was lucky to be born to a billionaire father. John will not be allowed by majority of owners to move to Nashville or anyplace else before he must sign a new lease or risk sanctions due to not having a MLB required venue. He knows it, MD representatives know it, MLB knows it. And he is acting all poor mouth about his business once again receiving hundreds of millions in taxpayer money only for the continued value growth of his asset which you know has ummmmm .. increased a bit in value since his old man bought it. This country’s priorities and public policies of corporate welfare and catering to the billionaire class will one day be addressed in a more dramatic way other than just catering to billionaire fantasies and payoffs and politics. Nepotism is luck, not smart.
  3. So the teams above 250 million payroll in 2023 are Mets, Yankees, Padres with Dodgers and Rangers just under 250. Which of those teams owners and markets are going to want an Elias type rebuild? Adding and signing big name free agents or highvaluebig risk trades have not been demonstrated by Elias in Houston or here. None of those organizations are currently in top 5 farm systems either. Mets are 11th and MFYs 21st
  4. True … but maybe a douchebag whose douchebag old man engaged in a lengthy legal battle with Washington and MLB , who refuses to commit to stsying in Baltimore and who is a PR nightmare.. .. and who is not already an owner. The surviving spouses and then sons inheriting property rights to an MLB franchise do not automatically inherit MLB approval as an owner and i suspect could be required to sell if not meeting ownership approval.
  5. If Angelos has zero dollars of his own to invest in his own franchise, then he has no business being a MLB owner
  6. Where has the profit of the 5 years of having teams that tanked? He shouldn’t be approved by MLB when Peter passes.
  7. Hard to go wrong. Means if ready, Hall if not. I would go with giving the prodigy the experience of a rocking Camden Yards playoff run but probably one of the other two.
  8. I am perfectly chill .. starting a thread with a premise that some believe is not accurate leads to being challenged on it. Thus a discussion board. No “public shaming” or “ being hot” ..or need to “chill by cutting grass” lol these are your words. I simply disagree with you. Have a good night. Go Os !
  9. No other entertainment product has any issue with taking my money
  10. Only MLB still adheres to the quaint 20th century, 1960s era “blackout” mentality despite the changes in technology. They could charge me whatever they want for live streaming access and I would pay it. Never seen any business so unwilling to let me spend any price for their product and them to say “sorry, no cause it might keep you from driving the 6 hours to see the team”
  11. No problem… teams playing as well as we are in 2023 that are on track to win 100 in baseball’s toughest division are rare experiences indeed in my almost 60 seasons of being an Os fan. Maybe not quite equalling the 109 game winning 69 team and 70 - 71 teams but we will never see those again .. If they win 100 then that is the first time since 1980 we have had this good a team with 100 wins and we may not see a better one for another 30 years. Enjoy it!!
  12. No public “shaming” and your critical stance is echoed by many others on this board who focus selectively on the warts as if other teams, even the Braves, have so much superior depth, players, TOR aces etc. Other teams in 2023 are much worse than we are .. ie meaning we are arguably with Atlanta the very best team in baseball in 2023. San Diego is not a “good” team either.. they are 59-66 and 18 games back in the NL West and lost 2 in a row after we left. They suck.
  13. There are some people who if we went 161-1 would say .. well those wins were all close ones, those teams we beat are really superstars even though they have played like crap, we do need to add to our pitching next year to really compete, our prospects aren’t getting promoted fast enough, and that one loss was a bad one against a team we have to beat to get to the World Series. sheesh
  14. If you look at any other team in baseball except the Braves, then their record is worse than ours. Meaning they have had more bad games, more losses this season than us. Meaning this season we are better than they are. Sheesh
  15. Hopefully they can minimize any of the horrific, godawful, worse than a random fan in the stands starts
  16. Somebody with options to send down so you can bring somebody from Norfolk for tomorrow
  17. Flaherty 73 pitches in 2 Wacha 27 pitches in 2
  18. Lol .. this guy is pretty bad and now our pen is going to have to pitch 6 innings it seems
  19. Yeah we could have had Wacha..and we could have done better than this guy who is no longer what he was but is now a Kyle Gibson type
  20. I have not looked it up butit feels like we have thrown one heckuva ton of grand slams this year
  21. I would rather these pitchers just throw four straight HRs with balls right down the middle than these daggone stupid walks
  22. True .. last Oriole playoff team to win 100 games was 1979 lol
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