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Everything posted by oriole

  1. I don’t think there’s any relation between the two. They’d still be paying Davis whether he’s on the team or not. That’s obviously not at all the same conditions with Villar. Apples and oranges as the saying goes... Though, I think they should release Davis. So we agree on that much.
  2. 99+ is technically below average so I was correct ? I’m kidding, I see the context. I guess the teams dreadful production as a whole has a negative effect on how I perceive everyone’s individual contributions. Also I really don’t want to get myself excited about what could come back potentially considering I’ve had a lot of disappointments in that regard the past couple seasons. Plus I still like Bundy whether he’s good or bad so I’d hate to see him leave for nothing.
  3. That’s surprising to me but I will trust your word on it over what I think. I just watch the games and his stats don’t look good. Anyone with an ERA over or around 5 constitutes a below average pitcher in my mind...though I’m aware I am oversimplifying. I just don’t want to see him gone for the sake of moving him.
  4. I hope you’re right. I’m just having trouble imagining any team would give up anyone with actual upside to a guy who not only below average but starting the arbitration process. If they do, that’s great and I’ll be happy.
  5. If there isn’t anything of value coming back I really don’t see the need to trade him. Someone needs to pitch here and even if he is terrible, I prefer Bundy over whatever crap Elias is going to bring around. I hate watching nobody SP who don’t belong on an MLB club pitch just because there is no one else. At least there is some kind of history to root for a guy like Bundy. And to be honest, if we saw anything of value coming back for Bundy I would be legitimately surprised. I expect a couple low level non prospects and that would be disheartening.
  6. Bundy has no value so why trade him? Someone needs to pitch the next couple of years and I really hate seeing guys like Wojciechowski pitch. Bundy at least gives me a reason to root for him to do well because he’s home grown. of course if he is traded for something good then it’s whatever but that’s not happening.
  7. Boras is looking at it through the lens of an agent and his one and only motivator is money. I don’t care what he has to say. If there was a spending cap things would look a whole lot more even but we all know that’ll never happen so teams must adapt and work within the construct of mega teams vs teams developed through a rebuild of some sort.
  8. Extending Villar would be one of the worst possible moves this team could make. Id be fine with Iglesias but honestly, if it’s not a super cheap one year deal it’s just silly. Martin was pretty terrible but so was the whole damn team. As long as it’s a passable glove I would be satisfied. I think Elias is really only talking out loud about a veteran SS to give us fans some crumbs to work with. Something tells me it’s not really that important one way or the other.
  9. You’ve got to trade Mancini if anything decent is offered. That is quite the caveat though considering right handed DH players are not particularly sought after. If not, he’s a homegrown player, a good guy, and a rare MLB contributor from an otherwise perpetually unsuccessful farm system. I’m hoping both Villar and Alberto stick around next year. They were fun to watch and it’s not like they’d realistically bring back much more than what we got with Cashner. Considering no need to splurge in FA and no solid trade chips...this is going to be one of the most boring off seasons ever. But the big picture is nice.
  10. I’m happy they won, I like to see teams win who haven’t won before. Especially when they’re a wild card team on their first year without a particularly big name player. But overall...I agree with Orpheus.
  11. Not my money but I think it was worth a roll of the dice. Especially considering we all humorously thought contention was within reason lol
  12. I don’t know if I’d go that far. He was one of the leagues top relievers and we all had hoped he could recapture that after recovering. It was a lot to pay for a half season of relief pitching but I don’t think I’d have done it differently. And I’m still harboring hope that Tate can translate his relief success to the majors.
  13. The trades overall certainly look better now than they did at first. Especially the Schoop and Gausman/O’Day trades. Machado trade still looks about as uninspiring as it did when it was made and the Britton trade is good if only for the fact Britton hardly had any value. I think Duquette did good enough. I think maybe only one out of all those players will have a major league career but it’s one more potentially productive player than we would’ve seen otherwise I suppose.
  14. I expect another extremely barren off season at the major league level. I’d like to imagine at least one SP is signed...probably someone coming off a bad year hoping to turn it around who also exhausted all other options. I see absolutely no reason to go after any position players. We have plenty options. If Villar is traded then maybe some minor league deals for competition but I doubt any major league deals are handed out even in that scenario.
  15. The jump from Delmarva to MLB is almost as big as it gets. I think he may go undrafted if left off.
  16. I agree...Ruiz is a good enough stopgap until either he proves himself or someone better comes along.
  17. No extension, no trade (assuming he isn’t worth much). Just let him be the star on a bad team and when competitive baseball and free agency approach you re-evaluate.
  18. Both Sucre and Severino are defense first catchers...I think it shows what the O’s value. It’s unfortunate for Sisco but this is a hard team to play for if you’re not a great catcher considering DH and 1B are atrociously backlogged.
  19. Replace Jackson with Hays, Santander, or an Adam Jones signing. But there’s no way Jackson would be given the bulk of time in the OF unless his bat was forcing the issue.
  20. I’d love to see a platoon but I can’t imagine there would be room. Then again if it’s all about defense then Ruiz would be the guy considering how bad Núñez seems to be. Escobar could play 3B vs lefties.
  21. I’m okay with creating some cheap competition at 3B. I like Nunez but he certainly can’t just be handed a job at this point. Ruiz doesn’t look particularly promising but he’s young and hits left handed so I’m not upset by any means.
  22. Why wouldn’t he get another Chance? I’d wager that he receives the bulk of playing time next year.
  23. Im rooting for the Braves first, Brewers second, and A's third. Anyone else I don't care. I would root for the Dodgers but these mega payroll teams are a poison to baseball and I refuse to ever cheer for them...unless they're playing the Yankees or Red Sox, I'll make an exception.
  24. At least someone not named Manny is doing something right.
  25. I liked Cobbs post game interview last night. He was given an opportunity to dodge some blame when a reporter was asking about how hard it is to have a scouting report on these young players who haven't been in the league long and his response basically was that it's his fault for not executing pitches and he had all the necessary scouting. It was like the anti-Mike Wright interview.
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