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Everything posted by Ridgway22

  1. The mortally wounded equine continues to be beat with lance, pole, post and stick. My 14 year old neighbor kid's constant refrain... "Elias sucks! Lawler will be Hall of Fame, easy!" "I won my strat-o-matic league and know more than Elias, geeez!"
  2. The pool of people on planet earth that understand what your post refers to, and can recite the event, is probably limited to the fanatics that frequent this forum. Bravo. In contrast, my 33rd wedding anniversary is coming up and I had to spend too many minutes today remembering the actual date.
  3. He got fleeced twice tonight, would have needed a 9-iron on both called strike 3's. He has a fantastic approach and eye at the plate, impressive to watch.
  4. My relationship with deity (any / all, real / imagined) prohibits rooting for them under any / all circumstances, punishable by abstinence and sobriety in all lifetimes, current / future.
  5. And now higher than Cedric.......
  6. 3 games under .500 on July 8 and a 6 game win streak? What would have been the over / under before the season? And to do it with no Means or GRod contribution? Holy Harry Carey. 3B is a black hole right now.... If Gunnar can fight his current mini-funk, show up and add to the shot in the arm Adley has been, whoa Cowboy. And just to continue the fantasy, if Hall can arrive and add a little lightning to the pitching staff..... Yes, please. Was never an Odor fan before this year (punching Joey Batz notwithstanding), but gotta say he's added something to the team. He'll be traded, we'll be underwhelmed with the return, but its the cycle of life. To all of which, I don't want to lose Mancini. I know he's likely to fetch us a decent prospect or a couple lottery tickets, but damn damn damn, he's too connected to the sinew of this team and he feels like the glue that holds it all together. Santander I'd miss a bit, but trading him opens the Stowers door. Please do not entertain Hays or Mullins trades....... And don't cha know it, I'm having fun at 4pm EST each day again after 4+ years of drudgery..... Be still my rapidly aging heart. Suddenly, the adult beverages are tasting sweeter!
  7. That is like Nintendo with all the cheat codes.........
  8. This makes me very happy. Yes, it's Delmarva, but its exactly how one would hope a top prospect would perform at that level.
  9. Yes, Please. Can I put a rush on that order?
  10. You're the freakin' lawyer! You tell us what would be reasonable for each side! We're idiot fans trading strat-o-matic cards. Seriously, yes, I'd offer 5/60. Time to start dining at the adult table, where the wine has proper mouthfeel. Cedric for Meyer? Yeah, would have to consider that.
  11. Sure seems like it, I had the same question.
  12. With some astonishment, i realized today, I'm enjoying watching this team after the drudgery of the last couple years. The bullpen has been nails. Cool to watch Jorge thrive in the role, Bautista do his best Armando Benitez imitation and Cionel throw zeros while looking like a movie star narco-trafficante kingpin. Adley growing into the role is inspiring. A healthy Hays, watching Mateo channel his inner Ozzie, and Cedric continues to entertain. Mix in Rodriguez, Hall, Westburg, Henderson, hopefully Stowers & Vavra, and suddenly my expectations become, well, actual expectations. My icy heart is melting a little around the edges.
  13. Mendoza line with his 6th Double!
  14. Anyone else notice last night that Rutschman was replaced during the game by Slipman? (mlb.tv in-game box score):
  15. Righties hitting .500 off his 95mph avg fastball? No bueno. I'm assuming he's throwing a 4-seamer.... Might be a candidate to try becoming a sinkerball guy. I share your concern, the MLB junkyard is filled with guys with exciting velocity who end up selling life insurance. Velocity, Movement, Command, you've got to have 2 of the 3.
  16. I tried in once back in the playing days. Couldn't hit with it, of course some would say I couldn't hit anyway, but it had the sensation of looking out of a pillbox.
  17. Yeah, Tony, gonna have to call you out on this post that is full of fluff, has no specifics, no actionable intel, provides no insight into the players actual performance, potential, or future role, and completely avoids the important question of his position on the social issues of the day. Seriously, why is this the first site i visit almost every day, and spend more time here than quality time with my wife? ...and just for those that might not get this type of humor, this post it the exact opposite of the implied, mKay?
  18. All part of the New Cruelty. Even though I'm not in Baltimore, i fear the Gods will not save me. The sheer weight of expectations AR's call-up lends to this point and time, soon to be followed(?) by Rodriguez and Hall, gives me an eggs and basket feeling. The collective psyche of Oriole Fan is resting on this turn of events, and should these 3 baby birds not do well (wood knocking sound), I'll need new Bose noise cancelling earphones to drown out the angst from a subset of the posters on this board. Godspeed AR. (And bring Vespi back up, WTH)
  19. Offensively, Chirinos is currently a black hole for sure. But man what a difference behind the plate vs. Sever-e-no-catch-the-ball. Impossible to quantify the positive impact on the pitching staff, but I'd be willing to bet a lot of someone else's money it is significant.
  20. Uhhhhh........ Cut off access after 22 years to the founder and leader of a group of the most die-hard, dedicated, and loyal fans of the team? WTH. Did they give you a reason?
  21. Cubs just signed A. Simmons..... a CC rumored destinatinon.
  22. I'm not sure if its quantifiable, and not trying to be contrarian, but from a pitcher's point of view, you know the situation, and you know who is on deck. 2 outs and nobody on, if a good hitter is up and a Mendoza line scrub is on deck, I'm not giving into to the good hitter, no reason to throw him a strike, he has no "protection". If the guy on deck mashes, i'm not going to want to face him with runners on, so I'm going to have to throw strikes to try and get the hitter out, thus he is "protected". Again, is this quantifiable? Not sure.
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