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Everything posted by Ridgway22

  1. Sorry to pile on, but this is is a silly, eye-rolling, twitter-quality post. Tony has eloquently laid out the disagreements with drafting pitching strategy, others have taken issue with the prospect promotion schedule, and why on God's Orange Earth is Eloy taking at-bats from Coby Mayo, these mysteries and others all cause much pearl clutching and head scratching amongst the faithful. That said, no matter who is GM some fan somewhere is going to be complaining that things could be better (they always can be), the GM should be fired, they suck, they are afraid of X because of what happened in his last job, he screwed that up, he should have traded for / drafted this player who has turned out good, he shouldn't have traded for drafted this player that turned out bad, blah blah blah. We've been decimated by injuries, 4/5ths of a Major League starting rotation on the IL, our closer and 8th inning guy as well. Oh, and all-star infielder JW. Elias has earned alot more of the rope you're trying to hang him with.
  2. Oh, oh, the tying run is on base........ They have to bat around to get back to him, but he is on base now.
  3. The 2006 Cardinals won the World Series. In the regular season, the were 83-78. Their Monthly record: July 15-11 57.7% +1 August 13-15 46.4% -4 September 12-16 42.9% +7 Get healthy, get hot.
  4. Speaking of "insiders", whatever happened with SirLoin?
  5. Okay, that explains why I never heard of BikiniArmstrong, that was 2 years before I was on OsHangout. That was a fun thread to read, tho!
  6. LOL, I don't remember that one.... Rebolutet's Stach and JTrea come to mind, and there were a couple others I don't immediately recall.
  7. I've only been on this site since 2010, but in that time period, no poster has reduced my enjoyment of this community more. Thank you.
  8. I've only seen his swing a limited number of times, but I'm surprised he doesn't have more XBH pop. Bat speed looks good. Again, very limited views.
  9. Read this and instantly hoped "Burch Smith" was some sort of nickname, code, or anagram of "Coby Mayo". Alas......
  10. Thoughts and Prayers, look forward to having you back, soonest!
  11. Four of my favorite words in the English language.
  12. I know there is a non-zero likelihood of Mayo sucking when he gets called up. But my goodness, if any of this AAA carnage translates into what we can expect, and he's in the middle of this order, Walltimore be damned, lots of opposing pitchers will be considering flu-like symptoms as an alternative to starting that day.
  13. This. Yesterday I had to watch the game on an, errr, 'alternative' method of viewing because Fox had the SF/LA game on locally. I sync'd it up with the O's radio broadcast via MLB.tv. Her radio PBP was Horrible, Horrible, Horrible. Made me want to pour bleach into my ears. I think she does fine pre / post, but PBP is not her gig.
  14. That a' way, kiddo! HK in the house! I'm having to listen to this on radio feed, and the announcer, well, she is making me want to pour bleach in my ears.
  15. This. We literally have no lineup holes right now, and Mayo, Norby, Jax lurk. Any trade discussion should center around the four most essential and crucial elements to O's success for the balance of the regular season and playoffs: 1. pitching 2. pitching 3. pitching 4. damn, forgot the 4th one. oh yeah, its pitching.
  16. And, we have the best run differential, +110, in the AL, 3rd best in MLB, through 80 games.
  17. Went back and watched Cole's 2nd start back vs. the Mets. He did not look good, rocked for four homers. Weirdly, some fastballs in the 93 range, but then he'd pick it up again. And it made history: the Yankees have played more than 18,000 games all-time, and this was the first in which a starting pitcher allowed four home runs while issuing four walks and striking out none.
  18. From your lips to Mike Elias's ears.
  19. I don't know if an O's prospect has made me this tingly in quite awhile. Maybe when Bundy was tearing up the minors. I'm just salivating thinking about a Troy Glaus-esque bat in the middle of this order. Well, maybe Mauer with Power.
  20. He's elite in 17 other high school intramural sports and is dating the head cheerleader, so no issue.
  21. Watched this game. Holy crap, if Trevino isn't hurt, they have a glaring weakness when he's back there. Soto and Judge are who they are, but that team does not worry me much, lineup wise. If their pitching holds, makes them legit, of course, but we just introduced Zach Wheeler to reality. Really looking forward to heading into the Bronx.
  22. I was looking forward to, and then highly disappointed, in Jax's promotion and flop (He'll be back, and he'll be fine). Glad to see Norby come up and hit a bomb. But Coby? Ohhhhhh, Coby's Glaus-like potential injected into this lineup drains the blood from my rational brain and engorges my murders-row fantasies.
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