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Everything posted by allquixotic

  1. Their 0.093 hitter is 1-3 with a single and a sac fly.
  2. Perez needs to be released. No shift, his pitching approach doesn't work with the modified game. Cya Cionel. Pathetic. Although this game isn't REALLY on the pitching (yet). There's a big goose egg on the other side of the board. Can't win if you can't score.
  3. Maybe, but the offense has been far better against far superior pitching than the Rangers and the Guardians. We just seem to suffer these team-wide offensive outages that happen in the middle of the season. I've seen it happen basically every year that I've been on OH. It tends to last a fairly long time, and the depths to which they can sink can be jaw-dropping (multiple consecutive shutouts). The difference between a good O's team and a bad one is that the good ones (like 2012 and 2014, and maybe this year?) will bounce back reasonably quickly from forgetting how to hit a baseball -- maybe a week, week and a half; and during that stretch they'll manage to scratch out 2 or 3 runs in well-pitched games and win a couple. The bad teams can be shut out 2 or 3 games in a row, and basically fail to produce any offense at all for the better part of a month.
  4. Completely blown call for the ump, several inches high and away, but we'll take it.
  5. No Rutschman, no Henderson, but who else from the "A" team has the day off?
  6. Looks like we might have a rain delay. Really hope it doesn't rain out with a cheap 1-0 win in the 6th.
  7. Looks like we need to hope we'll get to their pen in the 8th or 9th. These guys have zero pitch recognition on the sweeper, which is almost always thrown for a ball. And when they DO make contact with something, it's right at-em. Can't make this up. Losing to a 23-29 team with the worst offense in MLB. lol.
  8. Frazier took on a bad sweeper, then got fooled and swung and missed on a better sweeper.
  9. I'm glad they didn't send Urias there. He would have been out by 90 feet. lol.
  10. OK, it's time for the Rangers' bullpen, which is rated 26th in MLB, to pitch like they're 26th in MLB. So far this series, they've been pitching like everyone in their pen is mid-career Mariano Rivera.
  11. These Rangers can hit anything. Even their outs are loud and hard-hit. Good grief. If we have to face them in the playoffs, we're completely hosed.
  12. Snakebitten today. We had a lot of chances early and blew it with boneheaded sends and boneheaded baserunning. The game would have gone VERY differently if we didn’t make all these mental mistakes. Not to mention the fielding error.
  13. My mom is a curse on home games. We haven’t won a single game that she’s gone to since before COVID. Dunno what it is.
  14. Ok, big props to Kremer for a quick inning. We need to get a rally going and NOT run ourselves into outs.
  15. This is sad. It’s my mom’s birthday and we always seem to lose when we come to the park. All she wanted for her bday was a win. Team looks like they forgot how to play all of the sudden. TX has us tilted!
  16. Oh, okay, so it’s “let’s run into outs” day…
  17. Aw, man. Let’s just enjoy the game and let it go, my friend. It’s not worth fighting over. We all want the O’s to win. Nice K looking by Kremer!
  18. I’d like the new Connect jerseys if they had some of that cool coloring pattern from the inside… on the outside. Not even necessarily the entire thing. Just something other than all black.
  19. I’m at the game along with most of Birdland. Excellent attendance today. Feels like a playoff atmosphere.
  20. Palmer was talking about a conversation he had with Roy Halladay, and slipped up and said "Roy Fire-- Roy Halladay". Our Roy unintentionally repped.
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