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Everything posted by allquixotic

  1. Dwight Smith starting to redeem himself a little bit. The hit was legitimate. We then got a HUGE gift from the Buffalo outfield to score a run and tie it up on that. Valaika! Good job getting the second run in!
  2. Davis' OPS right now is 379 in 46 AB. Unless you consider that Givens would do worse than that because it's been a couple years since he's batted and it was the Australian league, I think there's an argument that Givens could be more productive at the plate than Davis. He's also a big guy who could probably do those stretches at 1B just fine. My biggest worry is that asking him to be a position player would upset his pitching routine. I just remembered that we totally don't have a guy in the minor leagues called Ryan Mountcastle who could take Davis's spot on the roster and be a HUGE upgrade for the team. Damn. Too bad that isn't the case.
  3. I would just as soon bat a reliever -- either one who's a mop-up man, one who had a really good BA in high school, or one who's unavailable to pitch today. Ideally all three.
  4. OK, I can't complain about Milone today. He's doing well. As poorly as the 8 of the 9 Jays seem to be hitting against him, though, I'd just as soon rather him IBB Grishuk.
  5. Second and third, no outs, and can't score on a bad send on contact. First and second, one automatic out, and can't score. Randall Grishuk could hit a home run if the pitcher threw the ball into the dugout. This game is frustrating.
  6. Aren't the O's paying Wei-Yin Chen $22 Million this year to not even wear the uniform?
  7. Wish granted. The best possible outcome there for the O's is Davis only makes one out. Unless the owner or front office are making him play Davis, Hyde should be fired for putting him in the lineup STILL. IMO. Each day that goes by with Davis being this incompetent just digs a deeper hole for Hyde. Again, unless it's coming from an Angelos or Elias. In that case, Hyde is off the hook, and our upper management are being their stubborn selves as always.
  8. Pathetic. Absolutely. Pathetic. If we're getting into a situation now where Santander is the only guy on the team who can produce, we're in for a long losing streak. That was a team failure there, as well as an indictment of the failure to hit situationally for the 3 guys who came up there after we got runners on second and third with no outs. Extremely, extremely frustrating!
  9. Tonight is a good example of how the "but his defense is good" crowd aren't watching the game, either. His defense used to be good. Nowadays he's really nothing special... average 1B at best. His error is one of a multitude of problems that caused us to lose this game, but if he didn't make that error, I think we'd have won.
  10. I'd rather watch the 2019 O's and their total, abject ineptitude than a team that's good enough to make it close, but bad enough to remind me of when I played in Little League.
  11. I HATE watching this kind of baseball. Losing by horrific umpiring, missed throws and boneheaded plays. If Davis made a good throw, if the ump didn't SCREW Mullins on two balls that were out of the zone by at least a foot apiece, if Mullins didn't pretend like there isn't a 3B coach, OR kept running, OR stopped at third, we would still have a chance. It's like a plane crash. There's a "kill chain" -- a long series of events that all went wrong in a row to make it happen. How unlucky are we?
  12. I'll take a clean RBI single.
  13. Also, Mullins should have walked. By several feet around the plate. Umps killing the O's this series.
  14. Are. You. asdjiopgfasjiorgf--ing. Kidding. Me. ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. How in the ---- do we turn a base hit. Into an out. ... The O's, ladies and gentlemen.
  15. This guy has all kinds of weird moves on the mound. At least he doesn't try to hop toward the plate like Carter Capps.
  16. Man, the Jays pen doesn't seem to have any scrubs like the Phils pen. "Get to their pen" might not be a very viable strategy here, unless we want to play to the 13th inning.
  17. Wow, we were super lucky there. We almost got ourselves out of an inning with the bases loaded without scoring. The throw beat him, but because the throw bounced off the 1B's glove, we tie it up. I'll take it, but that kind of luck is not sustainable. Much rather get a well-struck base hit there. Oh well, let's get 'em, now we have the chance.
  18. Well, guys, it was a good run.
  19. OMG, the ump called a ball a strike a FOOT OUTSIDE. Not even exaggerating. It was a foot off the plate. Unreal. It was almost in the opposing batter's box.
  20. Santander and Severino can carry this team together.
  21. Here's some schadenfreude: Giants closer Gott blew 3 games over 1.1 IP with 5 HR given up. Friday, Saturday and Monday. A grand slam, a 3-run and a walk off 2-run are featured among them. Be glad he's not ours or the OH would be going crazy.
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