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Everything posted by allquixotic

  1. Not as "up" as Cole's, but yeah. He probably won't qualify for a win either way.
  2. HAH! Well, if Bradish is off his game, Cole looks off his game too. 3 ER in 2+ IP is definitely not normal Cole.
  3. Bradish doesn't look right. His mechanics are off, he looks frustrated, and the majority of his pitches are about 1-2 feet above the strike zone. You do that to Judge and the O's will be trailing 3-2.
  4. They are giving the Rays the benefit of the doubt by now, as they have the best chance of winning our division and the best chance of a playoff berth in the AL according to Fangraphs. But that's where their believability ends, IMO: Fangraphs says the Yankees have a 20.8% chance to win the division and an 81.3% chance to make the playoffs. The O's, according to them, have a 5.3% chance to win the division, and a 47.1% chance to make the playoffs. Even if we sweep the Yankees in New York, they won't give us any credit. The bean counters and sports writers think the O's are a fluke and the Yankees are this sleeping monster that's going to suddenly awaken. These sites and their sabermetrics and odds are extremely slow to react to improved teams. They won't give us a favorable chance of making the playoffs or winning the division until like September, by which point it's almost guaranteed to happen if we're still strong in the standings. The O's could have a 5-year stretch of being in contention or making the playoffs every year, and Fangraphs wouldn't give us favorable odds before September in each of the 5 years. Our window of winning would come and go without these immovable glaciers even taking notice. They have their perennial blue chips they're always betting on, and nothing will convince them otherwise. This is why I don't visit those sites. They just make me angry with their obvious Yankee bias. Yes, yes, they've won the most World Series of any team; don't remind me. I know they're one of the teams with the deepest pockets. But they have not been the same team in the 21st century as they were last century, especially when you compare their spend and the results. Sometimes they spend like a drunken sailor and still miss the playoffs. And they haven't had a lot of success lately deeper in the playoffs. It's just tiresome, you know? Having the same 1-2 teams being the "safe bets" every year. The funny thing is the Yankees are not even especially reliable anymore at doing the things the media says they will. The media over-hypes their track record and over-hypes their winning chances because of their long tail of history. But a lot of the guys who made the Yankees dynasty what it is are retired or dead. I'd rather the smaller market team success story be the O's than the Rays, but at least this year it's someone other than the Yankees. Maybe by the end of this campaign the story will be our team. Root hard for 'em.
  5. Maybe it's because of my age, but I would replace it with Orioles Magic. I fell in love with the Orioles in the early 90s. That said, if we keep the current song, I don't mind it either. For those who struggle to find something you care about less, I'm pretty sure it'd be the hotdog race or "guess which crab has the ball".
  6. Early-career MLB pitchers initially drafted by the O's should be going for top dollar in the trade market at this point. It seems nearly a certainty that even if they're bad when they're here, they have an amazing career as soon as they leave.
  7. Standing and clapping! Another double play to get us out of the jam!
  8. OK, fine, whatever. Nice catch by Kiermaier. I have to give a compliment on that play. Just... that was skill. I don't like giving the Blue Jays a compliment, but I can't help it.
  9. Oh yeah, definitely. In years past, nearly every player would be taking Mountcastle's approach of live and die by the home run. Collectively, this team is more dynamic and can score in any number of ways. Mounty reminds me of the 2012-2016 stretch, though. Strike out and hit a lot of home runs.
  10. Solid inning for the good guys. This team is fun to watch.
  11. Mounty will K, but unless someone else takes his home run leader crown, I'm not sure I mind. Well... as long as he doesn't K as often as Chris Davis.
  12. Get 'em Santander! Interesting defensive play by the Jays, tried to cut down the run, no joy! Score!
  13. No throw on Mullins' steal. No double play. This is going exactly as you'd hope so far.
  14. Kremer trying to give us a heart attack. Ultimately, well done. Solo homer is no big thing.
  15. Buying tickets just as often as I can afford them! The team deserves the support. Unrelatedly, I watched the Baysox pitch a combined no-no against the Altoona Curve on Friday night. That was fun. I think we should at the very least have a packed Camden Yards in August and September, assuming the team is still a serious contender for a wildcard then.
  16. The most annoying ones are when we had multiple golden opportunities to win, but dumb decisions blew the game. 1. Pitching Voth 2. Frazier running into an out
  17. Both Chapman and Garrett seem to have no command of their pitches. We'll score more than 10 runs this game, win or lose.
  18. I gotta hand it to the offense though. They realize that Chapman is slow to the plate and they're stealing like crazy. Kudos to the lineup for gutting out a late game comeback on the offense. Boo to the pitching staff who've been throwing BP since the second inning.
  19. If we can string together a few more runs, we might win this game despite a putrid pitching staff.
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