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Everything posted by seak05

  1. Sure, I work with 15-16 year olds, grades matter to them. Different ages require different things. That said a lot of students are obsessed with the grade, vs actual learning, and the process. Plus a big role in success as an adult is being willing to take risks and potentially fail.
  2. Grades are arbitrary cut off points. We’re just conditioned to use them. They have value when the goal is to signal to an outside organization relative rank order, but for a 2nd grader they’re basically meaningless (sorry). Comments on Reading levels, social skill development, math skills etc are far more relevant. Or think about it this way, as an adult do you get a grade with your performance eval?
  3. The Orioles are going to need to find an awfully large amount of saving to sign him. My guess is he only signs if they fail to sign someone else (like occurred last year). With NIL money it will be hard to pay him more then he can make at Texas next year.
  4. Picking at 17, any prospect is going to have flags. Heck even most top 5 picks fail. That said, this is about where he was projected to go, so doubt there are any meaningful slot savings (of course according to some on this board ever pick should be underslot bc they won’t turn down the money)
  5. I’d love to see an infield of ortiz (ss), westburg (2b) and Henderson (3b). Frazier is fine as a sub & lh hitter off the bench. Mateo would even be fine in the Ryan mckenna bench role (assuming he can play a plus def of in addition to inf)
  6. I’m beginning to understand the concerns about de la Cruz’s hit tool
  7. Your grandmother could steal 2nd and 3rd against Bautista
  8. Guess I need to stop trashing Frazier for a second
  9. That was a good throw, didn’t matter. Orioles are so bad at holding runners
  10. I know Ohtani gets a lot of love for being able to pitch and hit, but I think it’s actually harder to be a good defensive and offensive catcher, just in terms of the toll on your body
  11. I'd prefer to talk about the game too..but some of the comments on here tonight remind me of why Pride nights, and talking about this stuff is necessary, and in social spaces So if you come into the game thread, and instead of talking about the game. you start talking about how much having to acknowledge Gay people in a social space one game a year makes you "hate em". Then that derails the game thread, but I don't think it should be ignored or treated as acceptable. Doing things like this that are highly visible, help to show kids growing up that who they are is ok. LGTBQ youth are 4x as likely to attempt suicide vs straight teenagers (and the teenage suicide rate as a whole is to high). For one game a year, talking about stuff like this to help remove social stigma, and maybe save a few lives...just put the game on mute if it bugs you that much
  12. Also mess up groundball after groundball, and yet Ortiz couldn't get a whiff of game action
  13. Things that have been spoken about tonight, right to marry, right to be "out" and play sports, living with HIV/Aids and other diseases. Pride is about the ability to live as a non-closeted Gay person, and have pride in who you are, same as anyone else. Because it's literally been a decade since it was illegal for Gay people to be married. What are you classifying as political?
  14. Political talk = how much should you pay in taxes, should we spend more money on schools or potholes Political talk is not, should all people be treated equally, that's basic human rights
  15. That was middle middle. Can’t believe orioles are letting this guy off the hook
  16. You keep acting like he started the year in triple a. He didn’t. He didn’t even play half a season in triple a. Hey they could have left him in triple a, and then called him up in April. Since you seem to think it’s the month that matters, and not the length of time. But for some reason you seem unable to recognize that Henderson and Westburg have been treated similarly.
  17. Except they did make room last year for the 21yo top prospect rather then having him stay in triple a. Which is my point. The orioles do one thing with the 21yo top rated guy, and something else with the 24yo with the 1000 ops. Or they call up the 24yo and never play them.
  18. Axe throwing actually quite fun, and yes it's nice to have a beer with
  19. Gunnar and De La Cruz spent roughly similar time at each level. Gunnar went from double A to the majors in one year. De La Cruz spent the first part of this year in Triple A, after finishing last year in double A. It took both of them one year after reaching double A to reach the majors. Gunnar and De La Cruz both had their first real full year of MiLB in 2021, are both 21, they both debuted in MLB at 21, Gunnar debuted first. What evidence are you using? Your point would be valid if Gunnar was still in Triple A, or if De La Cruz had skipped Triple A. The way the Orioles have been promoting prospects from Triple A is incredibly frustrating. But the Orioles certainly didn't slow play Gunnar, nor are they slow playing Holiday.
  20. Wait, if Holiday isn't up until May of next year, you think they're moving him slow? Do you think De La Cruz is 19? He was an international signing on top of all that vs Holiday in the draft. Cruz spent 4* years in the minor 3 + 1 pandemic
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