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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Sneaky LH, blah, blah, blah.
  2. This guy is an ace! Oh, leave me alone. I can dream can't I?
  3. Ok, I'm back for the annual pitcher's threads for the season, COVID-19 version. Tommy Milone! Eh, mmkay.
  4. Pretty close here. I think I probably have Severino lower.
  5. I agree with the Alberto idea, except not as a lead off hitter. His lack of walks is concerning, slightly mitigated by his contact rate. Disagree about Stewart. There seems to be this narrative that he can't play defense and I've never really understood it. Scouting reports see him as slightly below average. Now, Mountcastle, there's a guy shouldn't be anywhere near the OF on defense. I like Stewart's work ethic. He puts in the work and he's willing to improve defensively. That's half the battle.
  6. Hey, better than me. I don't see him on a ML roster. Period.
  7. Can I just say right now that I called Milone as the OD starter? No? Just checking.
  8. The run is unearned, scored as if the runner had reached on an error. I can’t link it, but it’s on the MLB website for 6/23 under the heading “FAQ: All you need to know about 2020....“
  9. So, Wilkerson gets a pass, but Villar was a bonehead on the base paths and often throws to the wrong base on defense? Villar had an OPS of .792 and was below average at both 2B and SS, but he’s capable (-7 and -4 at 2B and SS respectfully) of playing both. On a non-contending team he was hardly the problem.
  10. I have one and rarely wear it. I do, however, have a Lone Star state bandana which comes in quite handy when people don’t give me what I want. ?
  11. Remdesivir https://www.gilead.com/purpose/advancing-global-health/covid-19/remdesivir-clinical-trials
  12. Boog Powell. Met him before ordering at his BBQ at CY. I’m sure many people have met him there, but for me it was the culmination of a lifetime of following the team from around the time he was with them. Met both Showalter and Adam Jones briefly at different venues in CA. Buck at an Angels game on the field which was pretty cool and Jones at his hitting exhibition in SD with my kids. He refused a picture with them. Brooks would be my choice if I can get back there again. JP is right up there as well.
  13. Lol....I think it’s all JP can do to get through a broadcast with Hunter without explicitly telling him to shut up.
  14. Now, there's a newsflash, 'Dwight Smith misplays a ball in the OF'.
  15. So, no hope for another 53 homer season? The title of this thread really had me optimistic. ?
  16. Wow, Delmon bringing to life the phrase, “Someone put up a tent, the circus has come to town!”
  17. So, he’s improving the third time through. He’s a nugget.
  18. Ok, but like I’ve been saying for a long time, Wilkerson is not a center fielder.
  19. Hey, I just realized.... Are you trying to say you didn’t notice I hadn’t been posting as much because no one cares? Well, that’s just hurtful.
  20. Can’t you just play along? ?
  21. I know people thought I had switched my allegiance cuz I’ve been away for a while. ?
  22. Didn’t say it was a slam. Thought it may have been an oversight. And I didn’t know you had to be with the team every day to bleed black and orange.
  23. He was Godfather to a college teammate of mine. He relayed the story of Rose coming to town (Los Angeles) to bet the ponies. He bragged about dropping $25k at the track that day. I just shook my head.
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