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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. DJ is deceptively fast. Former RB....
  2. Going back to the last inning....I love how Vasquez was so far out he didn’t even attempt to slide.
  3. I thought my head was ‘this close’ to exploding!
  4. But inaccuracy is the soul of misunderstanding. ?
  5. I like it! He’s one of those guys who, as he matures, gets more and more comfortable at the plate.
  6. Josh Hamilton is two years removed from MLB and I’m not convinced he can stay straight. ?
  7. Thank you for providing a place for me to state my views on baseball. I don’t normally do this, but that was truly a phenomenal post.
  8. Yes, but can you sit on the bench for nine innings and not contribute defensively?
  9. I'd be shocked if he made it through the season without a problem. You know? Like last year.
  10. Yes, my sentiments. Wait, dusting off my sarcasm meter. I'll check back.
  11. Sure, sure take the easy way out by calling him Wojo.
  12. Milone is getting looks from the Mets? New bag o' balls and I'm good.
  13. Or, in the weight room, with a weighted ball, extended weeks of long toss, or whatever works to improve his wet noodle of an arm.
  14. I put him exactly in the same category as EB! Well, maybe he's a better interview.
  15. Seems like the logical choice now they're a man down. Watched his last start vs the Nats. Decent stuff, nice life on the FB and nice armside run. Can he command the secondary pitches?
  16. I was going to act it as if I were making a joke of the spelling of his last name and then I thought, "WWJBD (what would Joe Biden do?)?" but then I lost my train of thought. Oh, come on, just having a little joke, not political! Lighten up! Back to Asher....I can't believe we lucked into this guy!....Ok, I can. Meh
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