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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. <p><p><p>I've been thinking on the name change. I don't want a location specific one this time as much as I like it here, we may move again when my girls are out of the house. Still pending....</p></p></p>

  2. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Yes, but could he fly a fighter jet?
  3. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Agreed. And then there's that.
  4. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Williams had more walks than games four times over his career and would have had more (remember his missed three years during WWII in the prime of his career), Bonds did it three times (most notably 2004 when he had 232 in 147 GP), and Boggs never did it but had a lifetime .415 OBP. Williams career OBP was .482 and Bonds was .444 over his career.
  5. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Then he needs to be smarter. I'm reading a book on Williams right now and he was always careful never to show up an umpire and even used a guy to get notes on particular pitchers until MLB put a stop to it. Harper has shown up a countless number of umpires over his short career. No doubt he has a very good eye up there, but he'll only help himself if he learn when and where to channel that ego. Ol' Ted was known to have his run ins with more than a few people over his career. He never suffered fools gladly, but umpires had his respect because he never questioned their calls and they appreciated that.
  6. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Really a good season when the guy allows only two earned and the ERA goes up.
  7. He did it. He was asked about it possibly being his last game as a Phillie and said he'll only approve a trade to a contender if he's truly considered their Ace. Of course, only aces throw no-hitters so he has a point.
  8. Yep, and as a new Texan I'm pulling for them. I can't stand Moreno and the Angels and it looks as if their rival TX team did them a solid tonight.
  9. I knew it! Another missed chance at improving this teams offense by letting the Braves sign him.
  10. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    Agree, I'm unimpressed with Harper ever since he's been in the league with his mouth and actions. He's a prima dona.
  11. Il BuonO

    Zack Greinke

    While I agree on some level, it's not exactly a fair comparison considering the way the game is managed now with pitch counts and specialized relief pitchers. When I was living there I remember watching a game in which Kershaw had struck out 12 hitters and SO the competition and Mattingly took him out at end of 7 IP with his pitch count at 92. In the middle of summer. They lost.
  12. And we just optioned one of our better starters (Chen) in the Toronto series because he doesn't fare well against them. We probably should have skipped Tillman, too. Meanwhile, Arrieta followed up his poor effort with a four hit CG shut out. When's the last time any of our starters did that against any team, AL or NL?
  13. <p><p><p>I was surprised because though we've had disagreements it hasn't risen to that level, but I will oblige you sir.</p></p></p>

  14. It it was a slider that backed up. It hardly had a chance to "bore in on him". If you can call that sufficiently ambiguous, fine, but the rule exists. It will take a few complaints in key situations where games actually matter and it isn't just a matter of statistical history on the line. It's happened before.
  15. Per baseball official rule 6.08(b), a batter becomes a baserunner and is awarded first base when he or his equipment (except for his bat): is touched by a pitched ball outside of the strike zone, and he attempts to avoid it (or had no opportunity to avoid it), Yeah, problem is, it wasn't within the rules. The umpires don't enforce it, that doesn't make it ok.
  16. He made no attempt to get out of the way. Nothing, nada, none. You keep qualifying your statement with "at the end he did, a little....", and hence the disagreement. And since he did lean into the pitch it was worse than a guy putting down a bunt in that situation. Of course they won't call it but how many times have you seen a guy raise his arms and take the pitch? Like I said, pathetic.
  17. I disagree. Looked to me like he leaned in and dropped the elbow because he knew it was close. Pathetic.
  18. <p><p><p>Thx, Dip. That thread makes me both laugh and question the amount of collective knowledge on the board. I'm busy lately coaching and scouting through mid-July so when you see me after that it might be under a different screen name.</p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p>I'm using the HHP on my r?sum? for writing when I submit my book to be published. You think that's a good idea???</p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p>Maybe both, sir? Thx, sir, I enjoy the banter but I miss Word Association.</p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p>Thx, Michael. I'll miss you guys this year with our move. I always enjoy writing about Chris. I think he turns it around, but it might come slower than some would like.</p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p>Thx, brother. Every once in a while I'll cough up a pearl.</p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p>Thanks for the rep, man. I appreciate that coming from you.</p></p></p>

  24. <p><p><p>Thx for the push, Patrick.</p></p></p>

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