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Grt 2BA FL Gator

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Grt 2BA FL Gator last won the day on October 10 2011

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About Grt 2BA FL Gator

  • Birthday 10/25/1989

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  • Location
    Sanford, FL
  • Interests
    The outdoors, basketball, sports
  • Occupation
    Mental Health Counselor
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Kyle Bradish
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Adam Jones

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  1. I think Mason Miller is a fantastic fit. I’m nervous what he will cost, but maybe it’s time for such an expenditure.
  2. Padres are definitely a cautionary example of using your top farm system to trade for top tier MLB talent, only to end up treading water.
  3. I still think you try to get a mid rotation arm that could be in the mix with Irvin or kremer for #3 playoff starter. Then you get at least one bullpen arm. Preferably one that throws gas. That all may be expensive, but doesn’t have to be demonstratively so, and gives us a good chance in the tourney IMO.
  4. So MLBTR said Tommy John with “internal brace”? So it looks like Wells and Bradish opted for the one that could have them back in less than a year?
  5. Love to see Tony tracking for a career year after a horrible start. Maybe Cedric can catch some of that.
  6. I was gonna say Irvin, so thanks. That trade looked like a miss, but kudos to Irvin for finding himself again and trusting what he can bring to the table.
  7. I do understand the sentiment of it feeling like baseball is the main sport with the most performance fluctuations year to year. But this is an interesting retort.
  8. They’ve lost so many starting pitchers too, plus then trading Glasnow. It’s almost like they’ve punted on this year. I think they get 3 guys back from TJ next year, albeit we’ve seen how that can go. They are definitely a shell of the team from start of last year, no doubt.
  9. I think there should be a rule that you’re not allowed to use OPS for an argument until a player gets to at least 100 ABs in a season.
  10. That last bullpen spot has been a bit of a revolving door and not quite settled yet. I personally would give him a look.
  11. I definitely want Lopez back. Basically no risk. Not worried about his latest situation. He was kinda misinterpreted initially in the post game presser. Aside from this he’s got a good track record as a teammate. Worth a shot to see if he can harness his stuff again, even if he’s only done it sparingly.
  12. Every time I’ve started to believe in Mateo’s “improvement”, it’s felt like the next day he craters. I thought I would be done questioning myself about who he is as a player. But here he goes again. Ride the wave!
  13. Completely subjective take, but his demeanor seems different. A la Cowser. Just looks more confident and regardless of what it is, it is nice to see a guy hit the ball hard as he’s trying to prove himself. Maybe it could snowball
  14. I thought his process seemed pretty good with each at bat. Some solidly hard hit balls.
  15. Jorge is so much fun when he’s able to hit enough. Right now he’s hitting more than enough. Starting to make me wonder if something has clicked. Albeit he’s gotten me before.
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