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Brooks The Great

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Posts posted by Brooks The Great

  1. 2 minutes ago, MarCakes21 said:

    If Santander goes, the haul has to be way bigger than Mancini.  Is that possible?  He may be peaking, but could he extract higher value in the offseason when some of the guys are more ready?

    Absolutely. Santander is not only having the better offensive season according to pretty much every offensive metric, but Santander has multiple years of control left. Santander can also play a better OF than Trey. And Santander is red hot right now. We will absolutely get much more for Santander.

  2. Just now, Just Regular said:

    If the O's staff can fix the walks, McDermott becomes a stud. I trust the organization to help McDermott fix his control issues. If we can fix Voth, we can fix almost anyone. Love this trade.

    • Upvote 3
  3. 1 minute ago, oriolefan1035 said:

    Looks like a better return than I was expecting… I’d still rather have kept Mancini though. Trading Mancini and calling up Diaz is an indication to the team that we’re punting this season. McDermott looks like a guy that might be a future pen piece, but may also never make MLB. Johnson looks like a good prospect, but will be 25 by the time he pitches again, has never pitched above A+, and will be coming back from TJS. We’re only 3 games out in August, just completed a 16-9 month of July, and there’s a substantial chance that we punted our season for a pair of guys that never even make MLB.

    You severely overrate Mancini if you think trading him and replacing him with Diaz (or more at bats for Vavra) equates to punting our season. This was a great trade, and we're starting to deploy and evaluate our minor league depth at the major league level. All these moves are very shrewd, but you can't see how they are.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Apparently his defensive chops are much better than I thought they were. 

    He drives me nuts because he’s got the patience and bat speed to be a big time hitter, but often he slips into what we’ve seen lately. 

    When he gets hot again, though (and he will), he'll be able to help carry the offense. That's one of the reasons I'm bullish on this team making the playoffs. We've played great baseball over the past few weeks with Mountcastle, Mancini, AND Hays all being pretty cold. With Stowers, Westburg, and Henderson possibly being added at different times over the next 2 months (and with hopefully Odor getting the boot and Vavra getting actual playing time), I think our offense improves nicely overall.

  5. 2 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    We'll see.  They just played 4 vs KC, 3 vs the imploding Red Sox, and now they get to play St Louis with Goldschmidt and Arenado stuck in the south side of the US/Canada  border.


    True. We'll be at full strength in Canada (O's weren't last time), and Jays have padded up their home record thanks in no small part to teams missing multiple players due to the covid restrictions.

  6. 3 minutes ago, RVAOsFan said:

    Man, winning sure is fun after the past few years.  I don’t want to set back the rebuild process by giving up any major pieces of the future right now. However, if a solid starter with control can be obtained without giving up a top prospect I would be interested. The popular thought is move Mancini to make room for Stowers.  What could we get back with Stowers as the headliner in a trade? 
    I am starting think a competitive season / playoff push might be more valuable to this organizations future than a couple lottery tickets for Mancini. 

    You'd actually be moving Santander to make room for Stowers.

    We're locked into being buyers now. However, I think it's possible to trade Mancini and Santander and still be buyers. Can always flip a player or two acquired for Mancini/Santander to a team selling to land pieces (pitchers) that can help now.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Just Regular said:

    Stacking those righties against Nestor.     His magic pixie dust started wearing off some towards the end of the first half, curious to see what he can maintain in the second half.

    One of the things I read about the Yankees first half is they kind of zigged when many other Clubs zagged by leaning pretty hard on their starting pitchers.    Obviously Cortes' performance more than justified it, but like Tyler Wells he is a workload management case, especially if they like him well enough to want him to have October innings.

    Yankees are in major trouble with their bullpen. They're making the playoffs due to the huge lead they've built, but as of right now they have the worst bullpen of any AL playoff contender now that King is out for the year. Clay Holmes isn't a sub-2.00 ERA pitcher, in my opinion. If his ERA climbs up to even the 2.50-3.50 range before the end of the season, that means several blown saves in the near future.

    Cashman is going to need to trade for bullpen arms, which means he's going to sell out their farm system again. As the Gallo trade showed, Cashman is probably going to make moves which hurt the Yankees' system moving forward, which bodes well for the Orioles in 2023 and beyond.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, waroriole said:

    He’s only behind Mountcastle (.776) and Hays (.773). No idea why Hyder is batting him even lower post All Star break. 

    Odor was batting way too high in the lineup last night. Can't "protect" Hays with Odor. Screw righty-lefty-righty, it's ok to have 3 righties in a row against a RH SP. We obviously won the game, but Odor should be batting no higher than 8th.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    Why ?

    He was a .950 OPS in 2021 and has been given only 20 ABs at the big league level….I wouldn’t even consider that a cup of coffee. He has had a down season in AAA tho year but it’s probably due to lack of an opportunity after last season and that he’s blocked. 

    I just don’t think we need another 25 year old OF at this point. That’s why I suggested Ramirez. I’m in agreement we need younger player depth. I think Trey can get us a couple decent parts and I’m selling high on Lopez who IMO is a confidence player and could see him self destruct next year after a bad start. He’d have no value if that happened

    I like Ramirez a lot, but I just don't think the Mets would part with him for a rental. I do think Hamel or Ziegler are realistic, and if we add Tate or Lopez, we'd be able to get more. Perhaps Mancini and Lopez could get us Ramirez, and I'm with you there, I'd be all about that.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    I don’t believe it. Why would we logjam a OF when we already need to make room for Stowers? That’s why Ramirez makes more sense at A ball.

    I don't believe it either. We should just keep Mancini if Khalil Lee is all the Mets are offering - I consider Lee to be a failed prospect.

    We should be targeting pitching in the Mets system like Hamel and Ziegler. If the Mets don't want to part with them, then just shop Trey to other teams or hold onto him for the stretch run.

  11. 1 hour ago, LookinUp said:

    Chances are they knew Porter's number pre-draft and proceeded as if they would be able to get both Porter and Kumar if Porter fell past a certain spot.

    Porter, for his part, likely knew the Rangers plans and agreed to put out a number of something like $4m or more (agreed to $3.8 with Rangers). If he got that higher number, great.

    And Porter probably exchanged numbers with most teams and was told they wouldn't go that high, giving him and the Rangers some certainty that nobody else would beat their offer.

    The rest of the teams didn't just ignore Porter. His number was just too high for them.

    Exactly. So if the number was too high for the Orioles, and the Orioles believed their money was better spent across multiple picks, then I think it's unreasonable for posters to be criticizing the team for not drafting Porter. I think a lot of posters don't quite understand exactly how the pool allocation works. Or some think that spending $3.5 million+ on Porter was feasible. It wasn't.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    He probably did and probably was.

    Doesn't stop a team from picking him.

    Just ask Jud.

    Sure. And the Red Sox probably wish they spent the pick on someone else last year.

    So why should the O's waste a pick on a player who most likely won't sign? Or why should they use most of their pool money on Porter if they preferred spreading the same amount of money across multiple players that they liked? The criticisms of posters here for not drafting Porter are unreasonable, in my opinion.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    Favorites:  Showalter and Beck.  Showalter looks like a HS arm with a good amount of upside.  Beck because he's 7 feet tall and that's fun.

    Least favorite:  Ardoin.  Going for a catcher in the 4th round who is apparently isn't great offensively was a head scratcher.  Could have taken Porter there.


    Honest question. How do you know if/that the Rangers hadn't already reached an agreement with Porter much earlier in the day (or even before the draft), and his agent was telling teams that he wouldn't sign with anyone else, or that Porter was demanding an extremely high amount for a signing bonus to all other teams?

    I've seen lots of posters complain about passing on Porter, but how does anyone know if Porter was even available? The Rangers knew very early on that they saved money on Rocker, so they went hard after Porter. Makes complete sense if the Rangers came to an agreement (verbal or otherwise) with Porter up on Day 1 or Day 2 (or pre-draft), and his agent may have informed teams that he was signing with the Rangers, or asking for a higher number than the Rangers were offering - which very few teams, if any, could match.

    What if the Rangers drafted Kumar so early because they knew it was possible or likely that they could also sign Porter with the underslot savings? That's another possibility that makes sense. And if that's true or possible, that explains Porter dropping to Day 2 and also explains the Orioles passing on Porter. If that scenario is true - or if it became evident that Porter was signing with the Rangers at any point on Day 1 or Day 2 - then it makes sense for the Orioles not to draft him. So how could anyone criticize the Orioles with any certainty without knowing for sure if Porter was even a possibility to be drafted and signed?

    As far as I've seen (and perhaps I missed a report that came out since Porter was drafted), we don't know what the circumstances behind the Rangers drafting Porter were. Until we know those details, I think it's unreasonable to criticize the Orioles for not drafting him, and certainly unreasonable to express frustration at "passing" on him.

    I also think it's ironic that you praise the Showalter pick, but express confusion on passing on Porter. If the O's had drafted Porter, they certainly wouldn't have had the pool money left over to draft and sign Showalter.

  14. This is one of my favorite picks of the O's draft so far. Overall, very happy with the draft at this point even though guys like Ardoin and Crampton profile more as organization depth pieces, although they have paths to be MLB role players and possible throw-ins in trades in the future.

    For all the people whining about no pitcher picks on Day 1, Elias and company have obviously pivoted in a major way on Days 2 and 3 to address the lack of pitching depth in the organization.

  15. 20 minutes ago, cnmilton said:

    Once DL Hall and Rodriguez move to the MLB team, wjo is going to be left to pitch for the Orioles? This system is going to be completely bereft of any significant pitching. It makes no sense.

    People said the same thing about the major league starting rotation and bullpen heading into this season, yet here we are with a .500 record and a pitching staff featuring several waiver claims and a Rule V guy.

    I'll answer your question. We're going to trade for pitching and continue to find pitchers off waivers and via cheap free agent signings. Next offseason will probably be the start of us spending more in free agency for an occasional higher-end SP than Jordan Lyles. The organization clearly has the analytics and coaching to help pitchers we acquire to improve.

  16. 4 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    I agree. I think we're going to see some sparkling outings and some where it's going to go bad all of a sudden, but it's time for him to figure it out at the major league level.

    Agreed. He's absolutely dominated AAA over his last several starts. He's ready.

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