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Everything posted by NashLumber

  1. Rob Long. Radio guy in Baltimore. Also does some of the between innings stuff before the action starts. He talks like Louis Armstrong sings.
  2. Edit. Over 30's league. I was 39 at the time. Far off in the rear view mirror.
  3. I played in an over 40s league that had the A's hat like the one tonight. Wasn't crazy about it, either.
  4. There was a time when the A's complete wardrobe had so many options that it was staggering. And I generally liked just about all of them.
  5. Do any of our batters (or anyone) quietly creep a little closer to the plate to cover the outside of the plate for expected breaking balls? Seems doing it as a pitcher has agreed on the sign with the catcher would be a good time to move in about four or five inches. So many of these balls seem to be missing the end of the bat, not the barrel.
  6. Going the opposite way seems a great remedy for working one's way out of a slump. Just a split second longer waiting on a pitch. Hitting it where it's pitched works for great hitters in general. But for someone over-eager and wanting to rip one constantly, just the relaxation involved has to be a better approach. It's like Flanagan's "try easier" advice about pitching.
  7. Mount Casual going the opposite way. That's what I'm talkin' about.
  8. We're gonna jump all over them at some point tonight. They'll have position players pitching before it's over.* * Last time I saw the A's in person at OPACY, that's exactly what happened. (below: A's 1B Ike Davis in Aug. 2015).
  9. Maybe bring Rob Long in for an inning. I predict chaos. Edit: posted just seconds before I realized there's a "chaos" promotion.
  10. If the listening audience is a young one, they'll get it. I was Star Wars(ed) to death when our kids (and the kids on our street) were 8 to 14. And now those same kids are in college.
  11. Evan a blind Santander finds a nut every once in awhile? But seriously, he's a pro athlete and he's going to make plays like that occasionally even if he's not a plus defender.
  12. I only cry at baseball related media (movies, what have you). I admit to being a tad on the verklempt side after seeing this. And yes, THERE IS crying in baseball.
  13. I JUST saw that for the first time last week. I went all these decades without seeing it. I have to say, I quite enjoyed it. Sort of had a Woody Allen feel that I was not expecting.
  14. Just the intro music is like an alarm for me to go to the mute button. Once muted, I do whatever I can to take my eyes off of whatever promo they're playing of some "great moment" of the last year or two.
  15. So The Struts have Dr. Frankenfurter from Rocky Horror in the band?
  16. At some point early in its flight, it may have been faster, but since it's further than the distance from the mound to home, it sure seems pretty fast by the eyeball test. I think it's the perspective.
  17. Probably become BP balls. But it would make me chuckle if that did indeed occur.
  18. I think Jim or Kevin said he was 2 of 17 on the road trip as of game-time today.
  19. Nice roll, Bieber. "You were over the line. Mark it zero. This is a league game"
  20. Walk, HR, Strikeout. Two of these are likely with Mountcastle. Happy that it's what's behind box #2. And as Palmer said before the swing, "Mountcastle does not walk much."
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