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Everything posted by NashLumber

  1. Those Nats caps look like something you'd buy from a vendor on the mall in DC. Made in Bangladesh.
  2. I think today's punks have learned how to balance an occasional good meal while also finding time to devour whatever the kids are taking today. In my day, it was more important to have records than to eat. I remember spending my lunch money on music in high school. Now, I eat my lunch. And it shows.
  3. I have a friend who is rather portly (I'm being kind) and he's volunteered to play classic rock riffs (think Led Zep and Deep Purple) on fuzz bass shirtless on the dugout roof of our local minor league team. I'd actually sign up to see that.
  4. That's got to be so painful. I stub my toe and I'm swearing like a sailor. I admire the restraint of most of these players.
  5. Isn't there a place to park somewhere along the Metro line and then just get off at Navy Yard or wherever is the closest station? It's been awhile since I've gone. I remember once about 15 years ago, a girlfriend of mine and I (way before I got married) parked under an overpass for pretty cheap and then then snuck into a nearby Holiday Inn pool to cool off after the game. Ah, the things I did in my mid 40s.
  6. There's an interesting story on MLB main page today about how Giants went from 107 wins to sub .500. The gist from three analysts was that several Giants exceeded projections last year. They are w/o Posey this year, of course. This year, the opinion is that they reverted to form. I kind of dread this may be something we have to be concerned with next year, if not already experiencing.
  7. I took a 90 minute nap. Mildly surprised the O's are still in this. But I gather the bats are still too quiet. Good to see the Ravens got the job done.
  8. With no runners on and in full windup , I believe it’s fair game.
  9. Multitasking. Sound on O’s game. Muted Ravens feed.
  10. Don't forget Bob from Parkville or Elkton John!
  11. I'd like to see a replay of this, but with the shoe on the Yankee foot. Oh, so close, Judge!
  12. I'll probably feel how I felt when Jeter got a walk-off hit vs. O's in his last home game. 9th inning, 5-5 score.
  13. I'm wondering if "out of work" meant that the Angelos law firm's asbestos and tobacco suits had dried up. Or perhaps it was an awkward way of saying he was no longer physically able to come to work due to his illness.
  14. No wonder Brady felt like he could suit up and work out with the players. He was being paid the big bucks again.
  15. I almost felt sorry for Joba Chamberlain how bad he seemed to be by then. 108.00 ERA that series.
  16. That year's Royals reminded me of the '69 Mets in the bloops and shoestring catches. O's bats came up short in both series as well.
  17. KC was rather cocky in '14, too. A double dose: lucky and irritating.
  18. In a nutshell, KC's ALCS 2014. Maybe even their whole postseason.
  19. Out of rep. Kudos. They'd just be 1-2 or 0-2 in tons of counts with the way this guy is pitching.
  20. Agreed. And when a pitcher's on his game, some of those pitches look fat until they don't (about six inches away from the plate). It's easy for us to complain. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it (or successful at it).
  21. I was looking for this last night when Tony said they'd had swung three times at Bautista's breaking ball before it hit the mitt after a 102 MPH fastball.
  22. I have actually jokingly suggested dodgeball or kickball rules in blowout games.
  23. There was a time when 3 didn't seem like that many, with all of the last inning comebacks mid-season. But the overall feeling is they're out of gas.
  24. I once tripped and rolled down the flag court once trying to get a HR. Thank goodness it was BP. I would not enjoyed having that on TV. Usher: "Sir are you ok?" Me: "Other than my pride, I'm a'ight."
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