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Everything posted by NashLumber

  1. This has been in the back of my mind, too. A friend who watched Tuesday's game with me, told me that he sees no reason why about 6 of those Sox won't continue to rake all season. I told him I have my doubts and that I can't see them keeping up with the runs scored pace or all the mashing. I didn't bring up the PED suggestion, but something smells fishy. It seems unnatural. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Anytime. Yeah, it's just a informal term that has been used forever for someone with good control. Has nothing to do with the rule book. Good pitchers don't groove one down the middle unless they think they can overpower someone who can't handle their fastball. It's why you don't hang curves, sliders or cutters right down the middle. The edge of the black itself per the rule book is outside 3/4 an inch beyond the 17" specified for the plate's top border.
  3. And yes, it's a good thing if you can fool the batter with that kind of control. And tonight, if the ump feels generous as Palmer alluded to. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I think it's mainly used to describe a pitcher with good control and someone who can throw one at the edge of the plate or the illusion of the edge as opposed to grooving it down the middle where it's going to get clobbered. As mentioned in the article and using the Lou Brock example, the black is beveled and in more cases than not, under dirt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. We're fine. I think we both got a little hot. We were posting so fast, that I missed your reply and you missed mine and I went back to edit to show my apology. You are contending though that the black is a part of home plate? It isn't. The term "touched the black" has been used forever in the game, but the plate itself is 17" across and what Palmer was referring to is that if the ump is feeling generous, he'll give the pitcher the black as a strike. The black is 3/4" of an inch around the plate but not included in the strike zone. I am guilty of exaggerating that it looked 2" outside, but if it edged the very back of the black of the plate on its path, to my eyes and probably Joe Angel's (alluded to earlier by another poster), it looked outside. I was off by 1.25 of an inch of my 2" outside proclamation before rewinding and taking the pics. By the book ,it was a ball and that's what Palmer was alluding to.
  6. Please don't insult me. I've seen more baseball than you've been alive. Edit: I see you were nice in a message that crossed. Cheers.
  7. He equivocated. He said "If an ump thinks it touched the black, then he's going to call you out and I think this was the case." But he said it was a ball after the overhead view. He was referring to the ump's opinion. Not the pitch.
  8. You and I are apparently genetically fated to disagree. Always. Go forth young feller.
  9. And then on the replay he changed his mind when he saw the last view (and I posted the pic just above). "Here's the definitive ... It's a ball. It's very close." Keep in mind, I'm watching the game about 3 hours later than the rest of you. I only saw it a few minutes ago and rewound and rewound. I usually am pissed at Davis when he takes a 3rd strike, but that was not a strike.
  10. I rewound it several times. AND from the overhead view (not dissimilar from the radio booth angle) it looked about two inches outside. So I agree with Joe Angel. The MASN box had it outside of the box as well. I've given too much rep so hit this man with a greenie.
  11. Funny, as I tend to read comments on sports pages, but never news stories. Pure toxic.
  12. I just went to Gammon's Twitter feed and I saw nothing there. I think someone on that comments section is stirring up dung.
  13. <p><p><p>Hey man. Just finished band rehearsal (my new Kinks band - somehow got Peter Holsapple involved and he's on keys) and just seeing this. So glad we connected on here. Yeah, you're right. The kids look far older. I was trying to do the math and crazy how much they've grown. And Ned is SO much like Eddie, definitely. If you think you may come to the friends' gathering (it's now Saturday at 9pm at Dos Perros in Durham), let me know. I'll look for you. My email is jeffhoo1@gmail.com and cell is 919-286-7614.</p></p></p>

  14. <p><p><p>Hey Chito, </p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Not sure if you'd heard, but I read that Eddie Watkins died sometime on Sunday. His son Ned posted this on his FB wall. Very saddened to hear this. Lucie looks to be about 16 now and Ned is probably 19 or so judging from how old they were when I played in that band with him. I remember you telling me you played in Dr. Powerful with him. Such a shock. Hope you are well in spite of this sad news.</p></p></p>

  15. Crazy, for sure. But I'm just thinking of both teams going down with guns blazing. I had no skin in the game, but that circus shot to tie and the 3 to win at the buzzer pretty much seals it for me. And I was a student at NC State and lived and died with every game in '83. I think this finish was better.
  16. Craziest finish to a final since '83. Circus shot to tie, buzzer beater to win. I really thought it was going to OT.
  17. <p><p><p>The suggestion of writing a song about the Duke incident is closer than you think. A few years earlier, I did write a song about the Mike Peterson trial involving the murder of his wife Kathleen. I've never played it live. Too topical, I think. But I did play it for some friends who followed the trial. Both that trial and the Duke Lacrosse one involved people I knew first hand. Very small town here.</p></p></p>

  18. <p><p><p>Saw the OH reposting of "the dream" on Twitter. Thanks! I could not figure out how to keep it to 140 characters <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=";)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p>Thanks about the Twitter props!</p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p>Thanks about that book. I detest the Yankees, but found the story really compelling. Had no idea this guy</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>(local musician) had a sports background. I'm probably gonna download it and I'll review it on that thread.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Have a happy new year, Murph!</p></p></p>

  21. <p><p><p>Thanks about the Lennon shirt and Strat! I was hoping no one would mistake my '63 O's "B" cap</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p> for a Boston one. I've had my eye on that Rocky psycedelic Strat for a while. So gorgeous. </p></p></p>

    <p><p><p> I need to get serious about getting one! I do have a Rosewood Tele like GH's.</p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p>Love it! We did watch that yesterday.</p></p></p>

  23. <p><p><p>Thanks, Michael! Have a terrific day! Listen to some Dylan and The Band as I type this.</p></p></p>

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