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Everything posted by joelala

  1. I think you need AT LEAST one more proven commodity to go along with that group though.
  2. Hoskins is more useful than Frazier. But I fully expect us to nibble again this winter.
  3. Not a chance we overpay for someone like Snell nor do I want to. Hader will also be too rich for us. I think Flaherty for two or three years and then a big trade including at least one of our top 50 prospects is the far more likely outcome. Also wouldn’t mind another bat for O’Hearn regression insurance.
  4. This whole thread is moot sadly. I don’t think we re-sign anyone. We have about five years to make this count.
  5. How much of Holliday have you watched? There’s no way I could personally compare the two being that I’ve only seen highlights of Holliday.
  6. Haha yea I think we should be more worried about a move to Moscow rather than Nashville.
  7. Sure, but wouldn’t you prefer free press?
  8. An Angelos has again angered the baseball Gods. In all seriousness though, I actually do think this has the ability to affect the team on the field. It puts such a microscope on them. Hope they withstand, but such a f***ing unfortunate thing to happen in the midst of our best season in a decade. Very sour taste right now. It’s sad.
  9. That would be interesting, and I’m guessing neither party would ultimately do that deal. The only thing that concerns me about a contract longer than 10 years is that he already has minor back issues.
  10. Blank. Check. Would 10/200 be too much or too little?
  11. Hahahahaha that wins the thread.
  12. The two consensus best FO in all of baseball, the Dodgers and the Rays, are hot after Lynn. I’m not saying I want him, but to dismiss him as having any value to a contending team seems a bit extreme.
  13. As has been mentioned, we’ve got at least three guys who are approaching their career highs in IP and we still have two months left to play. He would just give us an arm to throw innings with some upside that we could help fix him a bit and get him pitching more like he’s been capable of in the past. I’d love Verlander or Scherzer, but I think it’s healthy to temper expectations.
  14. I’m getting impatient too, but I think the reason we haven’t made a splash yet is because the prices are already too high. I think we’ll get a somewhat obscure reliever or two and Lance Lynn. I’m willing to bet we’re out on all the big names and the inflated prices that come with them.
  15. Agree. We need another guy who can play center and isn’t a black hole offensively. That’s a package worth acquiring imo.
  16. Haha I was joking. Of course he meant Shohei
  17. Love it. I suspect they’d want someone with more upside than Watson though. Or what about Mountcastle and Watson?
  18. Cowser should be nothing more than a last resort imo.
  19. Ah dang I thought it was a one year deal for Verlander. If we’d be willing to take on the salary it would make a ton of sense.
  20. I think we can get both. Verlander and Pham from the Mets.
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