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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Elias “leaked” the issues about Martin. Martin slides in the draft. Elias picks Martin at 30 for cheaper.
  2. I’m sure they were blinded by all the shinny new objects that Hall was buying them.
  3. Very well could. But, like Tony said, they might have had him try it at some point, saw him pitch, and said “yeah...Let’s never put him on the mound again.” Similar to when they had Alex Murphy and Collin Woody try during “end of year” Instructional a few seasons ago.
  4. Is “ The Athletic” considered National?
  5. I wonder if the disaster from taking a strong arm player and trying to put them as a pitcher recently (see: Alvarez, Dariel) was the main reason they didn’t try that.
  6. Which I believe is the main reason for the large cut, especially now. I wonder how many were released by the club vs. asking for their release for other reasons. This really was 1 entire team.
  7. Not too many surprising names, but there are a few I thought would stick around as “at least” organizational filler.
  8. Wow. Quantrill was highly regarded and seems like a throw in on this deal. Hopefully they have as good a run as Aquino has had so far.
  9. That’s true. However, it is pre tax, so we don’t even really notice it too much. Other places got a pay raise between $1-$3 an hour, which would have been a lot better, longer term. But, money is money. For our store at least, the large majority who are part time choose to be part time because they have either another job (and do this just for extra money), are students, or retired and just doing this for fun. Only a handful came in as part time that didn’t want to be part time. Anyway, back to Snell. I understand his point, if the fact that the owners and MLBPA had an agreement and the owners are now trying to change things, but the whole “oh, I won’t play for less” comes as such a horrible take. He makes close to 1.4 million a month during the season. That is 1.35 million more than the average person makes in a YEAR. What has Snell done during this pandemic? Worked in a hospital, ambulance crew, grocery store worker, delivery driver, or other “essential employee” that literally has the chance to contract this virus at any given moment on their job, almost exclusively for less per hour than a beer at a game? Eff outta here.
  10. Getting back Aquino is pretty good. Where do you expect the 3 pitchers to start?
  11. With Holoday on the 26 man roster now and Sisco struggling, is there anyone else in AAA or in the waiver that could take his spot?
  12. But, they brought up Holoday! How can you NOT be excited by that!?
  13. I feel like right now, all the sports leagues are playing a game of chicken. While football obviously can wait things out a bit, the NHL, MLB, and NBA are all impacted. MLB has thrown multiple plans out there. NHL has made the most “concrete” announcement and the NBA has only really made an announcement about pay. I think if the NHL or NBA make a solid plan/announcement, the other league and MLB will follow.
  14. Breaking News: Tony Pente placed on 7 day IL (concussion protocol) after slamming head into desk repeatedly after seeing the box score.
  15. I wonder if this will replace the standard “remove all items and walk through the detector?”
  16. @Tony-OH, any word on whether the entire team being tested after the game, when the “Post Game Spread” was brownies, Cheez-It’s, and Doritos was a coincidence?
  17. Your Strength and Conditioning Coach needs to be fired ASAP. What is that, 4 injuries in 4 games between Baltimore and Norfolk?
  18. Bold strategy of going without a catcher in the starting lineup.
  19. “I Miss Baseball” The sound of the ball whizzing through the air before the THWACK of the bat interrupts its flight The crackle of sunflower seed shells being crunched, the snap of the gum being popped, the rustling of cleats on infield dirt These are the sounds of baseball, from the young toddler, barely able to hold their bat but hitting dingers off their Dad, to the grizzled veteran, having played the game for decades The game is still the same, no matter the age or the location, from generation to generation Fans flock and gather, yell and cheer, with each fan having their own method and favorite, from Mighty Casey to Tom Patton Whether in person, in the television from the comfort of your couch, or the classic radio broadcasts while on your front porch, the sound of summer fills the air from April to October Each game has the chance to show something that has never happened before, a chance at history after every First Pitch From Vin Scully to Fred Manfra, the Golden Voices could turn a seeing eye single into a walk off grand slam, catapulting you into their world with their words The game has an impact as far reaching as any cosmic entity, from the unbridled joy of having a catch with your father to the majestic awe of seeing your hero in person No matter what happens throughout time, baseball always has been and always will be, America’s Pastime, brining everyone together It happened after 9/11 when Mike Piazza circled the bases and it will happen again before you know it No one knows who the hero will be, but that day draws closer as everyone braves this extreme, but one thing is certain I miss baseball
  20. I knew I shouldn’t of gotten peanuts and Cracker Jacks during that last game. I want to go back.
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