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Cumberbundy last won the day on August 29 2017

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Hangout Veteran Council

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  1. The HA & HR numbers v RHB are extraordinary so far. Fangraphs didn’t put Wells among our top 31 prospects - calling his fb a 35.
  2. Those reactions are the best thing I’ve seen in baseball all year, thank you for that.
  3. Ha, I figured, Mancini is a better hitter than the guys they DH, but he’s not enough of an upgrade to warrant a trade I wouldn’t think - particularly not when they have a DH raking in AAA & another elite bat waiting in Kyle Tucker. Yordan Alvarez is a moose.
  4. I would trade him for the Sally League pitcher of the week for the 2 week of June - if that prospect is one of our own, the deal is still on.
  5. Schoop continues to play well.
  6. Rosario has a glorious swing.
  7. Who has the longest OH posting streak, that’s one for the analytics department.
  8. Al Bundy, no relation, once scored 4 touchdowns in a single game.
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