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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. They probably didn't, but I think I am in the camp like @Frobby has said, we really need to wait, before we can really grade this trade. DD haters are quick to jump on him and complain. We also do not know what DD instructions were from the ownership either. This team wasn't going anywhere with or without KG, anything they get in return that works out in the future will be helpful. IF
  2. No I dont agree. Gausman stock had fallen over the last couple of years, and he never was the TOR that he was hyped to be.
  3. Bill, You had me, until you said key trade chips, and thats where we have to disagree to disagree.
  4. as much as you complain about DD and Orioles, anything they do, you find fault with. Heck, when the Orioles were good, you was wanting a firesale. I suspect that if Dan had waited until the off-season. Then you would be crying that he would have got more, if he had traded him, mid-season. Face it, Gausman was very talented, but at times, very inept and unable to locate the strike zone, which put a lot of balls in play, those that didnt clear the home run fence.. I doubt the 69 Orioles would have done that much more for him, given his issues.
  5. Whats the point, why not save more money, its not like this team will do anything for 2-3 years minimum?
  6. As much as I love O'Day, as he as aged, he hasnt been able to stay healthy and off the IR/DL.
  7. Archer is a better pitcher, hence, a better deal could be obtained.
  8. Which is great, if they use that money on somebody, and dont kick the tires and say, dang we tried.
  9. Thats because no matter what they do or don't do, somebody is going to be unhappy and vocal about it.
  10. He was held by, by not being able to locate his fastball as well as he should have. Gausman never became all that he could become. For whatever reason. His best WAR was 2016, and a decent offense and defense behind him, but he was still 9-12 on a playoff team. He never ever became the TOR that he was hyped to be. Yes, in the NL, facing weaker lineups and the pitcher batting, and away from the AL East, he is likely to do pretty well for them.
  11. BUT Sonny was coming off a terrible year, and then somewhere better than a replacement player; -0.3 and 1.6 before his trade. Gausman did a 2.0 and then 2.4.
  12. On the surface, it could be minor, but then again, anytime a pitcher hits the DL, you fear the worse.
  13. I believe he has already been slated to be added to the roster today.
  14. Didnt Buck say, the next closer will surprise us the fans, and he will do a really good job.
  15. Givens is a solid reliever, prone to meltdowns here and there. Which is why Ive been against him as closer, until he got a better handle on being a reliever.
  16. They already promoted one of the pen arms they got for Britton.
  17. and on an empty stomach, most likely, right?
  18. I dont think Frank's health issues will allow it. I dont think Cal has any role in this team, with Angelos as owner.
  19. I love JJ, but I really dont think he was capable of playing a full season anymore with his back.
  20. How can it be stringent, when the original birth records are not always very stringent???? Check the unicef numbers, 40% of all births worldwide are still unregistered.
  21. With the way the rest of the diamond positions are being filled, you want to complain about only 3B? Give the man some time, not like this is a team in playoff contention.
  22. I didnt mean that we shouldn't. Not sure, how they can truly validate this, which isn't a big deal, until the player hit 30 sooner, or 32 sooner, and skillset heads south.
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