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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I was thinking more rural america, where they actually love the minor league game.
  2. The impact on the cities that lose teams? Lost of jobs/revenue.
  3. He gave us 5 out of 7 years worth of quality pitching out of the pen. So I will take that any time. That was some pretty good dumster diving, when they did that waiver wire pickup.
  4. I will concede Brach. ODay, no, he had posted two 2.4 WARs in Texas in 136 games. But, I will totally agree, 1 of these 3 could become a serviceable MLB arm.
  5. But Bach and ODay had big league experience before coming over, granted they had done their MIL pitching first. Britton was probably one foot out the door, until he found his dominating pitch. Im not saying any of these 3 might not make it, with major league arms, so many end up like the Mike Wrights of the world. Just not going to hold my breath. Heck, the blue chip prospects like Guasman and Bundy dont always pan out.
  6. I hear you. 1 1/2 each way for me and thats not rush hour time, either. Even if the tickets was free, I am not driving 3 hours for MIL baseball.
  7. Personally, I would hate it, I actually like going to Bowie, nice stadium, great parking, and 20 minute drive.....LOL Aberdeen is like, forget it, read about it online.
  8. Tony-OH I know you know more than I. But my memory is, they built Bowie Stadium to AAA standards, because they wanted to get the AAA team out of NY. Seams to me Frederick was built to AA standards, with the idea of getting the AA team. Did they change the standards????? Is 1994, really that old for a MIL park?
  9. Probability odds, are not all 3 will. But, you assume they will. agree to disagree, and revisit this in 2021.
  10. Fox has deep pockets and pushing their FOX sports, they want to the "ESPN" of todays sport world. I would love to see the figures at the end of that contract, to see the expenses and money raised by revenue to see if they dont like up like ESPN and losing money.
  11. No sir. Im with Frobby, I am not going to lose any sleep on either of them, one way or another. Sorry MIL numbers against MIL players, can only do so much. To get back to where this team was, it takes the quality arms, like Bach, ODay, Britton, etc., IMO
  12. so you add meh to a bad pen, you still get a bad pen, there is no improvement.
  13. My grandfather hated the man, he was a season ticket holder with the team, he thought the man would ruin the game of baseball. Clearly time has proven the man wrong, he wasnt wrong much of the time, but on this.
  14. That will take away half the posts in the game day thread, where people love to complain about Ks.
  15. IMO Duquette added players to a team Andy had started building, Tillman, Jones, Hardy, etc The combination of actions of both of their part, is the reason, they were the best record for 5 years in the AL.
  16. There isnt a big demand in the viewing public to see these games, which is where Cable makes their revenue, commercial ads. If the demand was there, companies would be outbidding each other to market it.
  17. How many players got hurt playing in Toronto's concrete field of ball? Way too many.
  18. Success or failure starts at the very top. But, I will agree, bringing Holt here and empowering him, is a key.
  19. For me, its easier to get to FEDEX. Parking is best, if you pay the extra money and get "A" ticket parking. Concession prices, are crazy. Lucky, last couple of times, I got comped tickets which included food and drink.
  20. The extremely high cost of NFL almost dictates the team be relevant, if you want to put fan into the seats.
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