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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I find it hard to believe that people want to put so much blame on Buck. Is Buck perfect, oh hell no. But, geeze, when Angelos stayed out of the picture, Buck did a pretty darn good job with the talent he had here. Then the GD Blue Jays came knocking and Peter gets back in the saddle and it goes to hell in a hand basket.
  2. Personally, I do not have high esteem for Baker the manager. I think Buck or Joe will do well in Philly, they want Joe, more power to them, hope it works well. Joe didnt do too well in Florida and did better in NY, with deep pocket salaries. Glad he turned down the job here, as I am not a big fan of his. I think the Philly job will be one, that can show him as a good or not good manager. Again, just my opinion.
  3. I think health issues, ruined his name and reputation as he was formally a brilliant baseball man.
  4. Its a crap shot. Cal was a SS in high school. They didnt think his game would play at the majors and it did. The best players that arent pitching usually go to SS and then CF next and sometimes back and forth. Mora was one that could play SS and CF well.
  5. You make a valid and solid point!
  6. Mountcastle may have played SS, but I dont think there was any real expectation that his skillset would allow him to stay there.
  7. I think its a stretch expecting 5 tools. But, maybe guys that can actually play, instead of just bat. How many DH can one lineup have?
  8. Hopefully Elias can start drafting better players, and get away from these one dimensional guys.
  9. To me, its an annoyance along the way. Fans of this team, are going to stay fans regardless of FANFEST or not. I know lots of diehard fans that have never attended one, that doesnt make them less or better, it just wasn't for them. I know a few fans that love them, and sorry there isnt one for you this year, but I dont think its a permanent removable. But, that is opinion, and I dont have inside sources one way or another. Its just going to be a very long boring off-season, until we get the guys back in Florida playing ST.
  10. To me, the name Mountcastle has a great Knight Mid evil times sound. So maybe the theme from Knight's Tale?
  11. Arent most of the players here, just stop gap, until they can bring in better ones?
  12. as the team rebuilds, I suspect, we will see it readded to the schedule. I think you are right, not about making money or losing money. Right now, this team just doesnt have too much in the way of marketable players. Again, just my opinion. I think in a couple of years, and Elias is able to work this "game plan", things will improve.
  13. Baseball is a combination of luck and skillset. IMO Usually in the big games, you live and die by your pitching.
  14. then, we have to look at the Coaching staff and the outfield coach, and even Buck. Parra had production at Colorado, and at the time, I thought it was just the high attitude that was helping him, but obviously, he still has game left.
  15. Its still shocking, to see how bad he was here, and still has baseball life in him. When he was here, he wasnt even fit for backup bench role.
  16. In 1969, the Yankees barely out drew the Orioles in avg attendance. 13,3 to 13,2. They wasnt far from the top 10. What really blows my mind, Montreal drew 14.9k fans daily avg.
  17. Obviously, you skip guys, you have high risk of signing, like Jeter publically announcing, he would only sign with the Yanks. I think the signing structure for the picks, does take some of the risk away, of being able to sign them, once you draft them. But, you still have risk for the younger ones, like the high schoolers, who decide to play college ball. I get what you say about cant miss position vs pitchers, I guess there is so much more demand for pitching, and shortage in the market, requires you to take more of them in your draft.
  18. You always want to take the best player available. The trick, is who is really the best player? The guy playing best right at this moment in time. Or, the guy, you think has the best skillset for the Majors, given the proper coaching.
  19. first 4 years was pretty smooth sailings, as he had a very strong WAR. Everybody gambles on players not getting hurt, which is not the norm, and they do get hurt, or get older, and somebody both.
  20. I wonder how credible this source is
  21. I think even Tony-OH had heard about it through his sources, so he said, it had to be at least a bit more than just a wild rumor.
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