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Everything posted by 52520Andrew

  1. Would have been nice to have gotten more but I would rather get some lottery tickets in the DSL vs a low upside AA guy or two. I also don't think a sub 4 ERA was sustainable for Cashner and we likely sold high on him, especially considering his planned usage on the Red Sox.
  2. 52520Andrew

    DL Hall 2019

    Yeah if on a bad night his stuff is still comparable and is better when Hall is doing well, that is huge. If we get to see him at his full potential, that would be fun
  3. 52520Andrew

    DL Hall 2019

    And he still said his stuff was on par with MacKenzie Gore
  4. I'd rather look at how a player is doing compared to their peers in the league than just focus on a stat like batting average. It is clear the Eastern League is not hitter friendly this year and I am not one to discredit someone performing above average in the more advanced stats(while being young for the league) because their raw batting average doesn't look good.
  5. Real solid inning from him, MLB gameday had an 81.6 mph change to go along with that fastball
  6. It is from a fantasy article by the looks of things so I don't think they care about his defense
  7. Guessing you mean Detroit Tigers? We played Texas in Texas during the 2012 wild card game
  8. And once you get work experience people only care that you have a degree. I cerntainly wouldn't turn down 1+ mil after taxes to go try to play baseball as a pro. If he flames out before Frederick then he wouldn't have survived the SEC anyways. And then he can go back to school a little older and will probably have a better idea of what he wants to do for a degree. The odds of him finishing a degree in 3 years while playing baseball are pretty slim too so he would have to go back to school anyways at some point.
  9. Yahn is moving on up to AA according to the roster moves thread. Have to see how he does there
  10. Don't think Straily will be here much longer while I think Davis will
  11. Yeah agreed. That Britton return if they traded him after that year would have been ridiculous. And waiting for Machado to be a rental for a couple months hurt his value
  12. 7 shutout innings from what I just heard on the MASN feed
  13. Harvey and Rutschman for me although one of them is a lot more likely to actually hit their ceiling.
  14. The Orioles didn't handle the situation well but even they knew to trade Manny. You realize how much a crapshoot the draft is right?
  15. He is our 21st ranked prospect according to the site and has taken a step forward according to this: http://www.orioleshangout.com/2019/06/02/pre-draft-orioles-prospect-update/ I'd say he has gotten a little prospect love and likely will continue to if he keeps his production up.
  16. So going off the other thread where the general consensus is that we won't be contending again until 2022 at the absolute earliest, we can assume that Mancini will either not be an Oriole or will be getting paid market value by that time. If that is the case then trading him would probably be best. Of course when to trade him is a different discussion
  17. Think Mancini becomes a FA after 2022 right?
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