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  1. Catchable of course. Routine, probably not. We all have heRd he is shaky so we are going to evaluate everything we see. That was not an "easy" play.
  2. You mean like they have done with all the other prospects? They have jerked every one of them around.
  3. Last year they drafted more college pitchers than bats, in the top 15. Although I was surprised as well when i saw it.
  4. VERY interesting take. I have no doubt that ego has a place in this game, even in the "front offices". How many times have we all said "He is trading the other GM's guys".
  5. I am not arguing whether or not they would play here. I am arguing that value for value, this was a bad deal. I don't believe for a second that any of us know what Stowers value was. Stowers might have been the key to the deal. I have no idea. But in my mind, 2 starters for their 2024 team for a #4 is GOOD VALUE for them. Why do you think the O's always draft the best player instead of a need? Value....I don't always agree with it, but it is a fact.
  6. The Marlins must have agreed because they wanted him. If this was a dump, then Elias really smells bad on this.
  7. True. I wouldn't have made this deal and we all wouldn't have something to yell about.
  8. and doesn't win titles, sad to say. See Florida Panthers for latest example.
  9. Well considering Norby has hit EVERYWHERE he has been, I would say he will be a solid major league 2nd basemen. In my eyes, Norby alone was a fair trade. Adding Stowers made it an overpay.
  10. What you just said is why teams don't stay competitive for longer lengths of time. Value is value regardless of surplus. This stinks of a panic move.
  11. Another head scratcher. This team needs a shot in the arm. Vavra ain't gonna supply it.
  12. Not sure I trade 2 useful trade pieces "today" for a guy "for next year", especially in our current rotation situation.
  13. Norby made out best in this deal. GL Connor!
  14. And could we have paid them with the Burnes deal too?
  15. Different topic. I spoke about his drafting style and how it can show a chink in his armor. It's part of what you're saying as well with depth.
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