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Everything posted by brucewayne

  1. Not really. Newman is about as talented a broadcaster as they would be.
  2. Feel like they could go scouting at a bikini contest for a Newman replacement.
  3. I think the preference for Ortiz despite being the inferior player both now and in the future probably has something to do with the perception that Ortiz has put in his dues and Holliday hasnt. Ortiz is 25 and has played a lot of minor league games. They think Ortiz deserves to be here. Well deserve has got nothing to do with it. Put the most talented players on the field.
  4. Its obviously Frazier. Hes the only guy who fits the description of the type veteran player you are describing. Hes undersized, slow and not really that powerful. Hes managed to carve out a successful career through sheer determination and practice. We have a lot of younger frat type guys on this team. Frazier doesnt roll like that. I'm fine with these guys acting like this as long as it doesnt get completely out of hand. Let them enjoy their youth. But it is nice to mix in a hard-nosed tough guy like Frazier too. Keeps the clubhouse focused. There is no question that Frazier is the leader of this team.
  5. Well, to be fair, Kevin Brown has less muscle definition than 14 year old fat kid. So not like there is much competition.
  6. Actually believe Holliday is the long term 2B here. Just my opinion. Position seems to fit him like a glove.
  7. Well, quite a few posters want Holliday to shift to LF. Not like there is an obvious solution to our 2B range issues.
  8. Grayson's problem is he dominates AAA hitters, but MLB hitters do not swing at balls out of hand.
  9. Grayson has no idea where the ball is going tonight. Piss poor fastball command.
  10. In the postseason our secret weapon is Adley. He will catch every game. How many teams have a catcher who is approaching .400OBP
  11. If this was high school I'd be the guy giving John Angelos a swirlie.
  12. Put him in the middle infield and we could potentially have a massive advantage over just about every team in the league. Its like Adley at catcher all over again. Holliday in LF? Its absurd.
  13. Manny was 20 when he debuted and had a .294OBP in 51 games. And had and had a .352OBP in AA. Manny is a great player and will make the HOF. That said, at 19 there is no comparison here. Holliday>Machado at 19.
  14. The Buck stops with John Angelos. Absolutely terrible boss, but still the boss.
  15. Angry fan: Angelos your behavior is untenable. You're fired. Angelos: I own the goddamn team. I run this.
  16. There are almost no comps for Holliday. 19 years old dont produce like this very often. Hes basically Soto, Harper, Trout right now. Well probably a step down because he doesnt have quite the same power. Put him at SS or 2B and you have a massive advantage over just about any team in the league. Its like Adley at catcher. He gives us an advantage because hes a hitting catcher. Move Holliday to LF and that advantage disappears unless he can OPS 1.000
  17. He got his 33ABs. So did Westburg, Cowser and Stowers. Give Holliday his 33ABs.
  18. Because Holliday is more talented. We are trying to make a playoff run. Put the chips in the center and grab the bull by the horn. Go for it.
  19. The more talent on the roster the better your world series chances.
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