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Everything posted by brucewayne

  1. How do you know that? Gunnar makes mental lapses and has issues with throwing. JJ Hardy was a better shortstop than Gunnar. And yet Hardy was a much inferior athlete. Holliday has the softer hands and perhaps better fundamentals.
  2. I'm going with the tough guys. Frazier is nails. That's why he is lifetime over .300 in high leverage situations. When the going gets tough you want a guy like that.
  3. Guys forget about any extension. Forget about service time. Window is now. Bring him up and enjoy the 6 years. He is Matt Holliday's son. Hes been swimming in a sea of money his entire life. We have no leverage here. Why would a rich kid take less money? For financial security? Hes Matt Freaking Holliday's son. He was born financially secure.
  4. Was sleeping, but the Ryan O'Hearn Homer game to take the lead in Toronto was incredible.
  5. Call him up August 31. If he fails, he fails. If he holds his own then great. Go for the World Series. God knows he can't be any worse than Cowser has been. Dude has flat out sucked ass in his time on the MLB team. If Cowser is here put Holliday here.
  6. John Angelos has had it so easy in life. All he had to do was be a genuinely decent guy and he would be loved by millions of people. He's rich, still relatively young and can enjoy his billions. And he's chosen to piss all the goodwill away by being such a malcontent, egotistical, self-centered jerk.
  7. Don't know how much stock you put into Keith Law's evaluations. For what it is worth Keith Law said Holliday "Is a true MLB Shortstop". Which honestly surprised me because I've thought he profiled more as a 2B in the MLB. Law isn't the gospel, but he is a highly respected baseball guy. Most minor league Shortstops cannot play a MLB Shortstop.
  8. He is not ready. Needs more work down in AAA.
  9. Nice. I went into Marine Corps at 19 and got out at 23. I was sedentary before then. They got me into shape, but in the Marines I only did things like pull ups, push ups, running, etc. When I got out I started pumping iron. Been lifting for over a decade now. I'm 37. You don't see a lot guys my age still doing it.
  10. No I do not know who this thread starter is. Just commenting that he looks like he is putting in serious work.
  11. This. People might not want to bruise the egos of Urias, Ortiz, Norby, Frazier, Mateo, Westburg, etc. Well you know what? They just going to have to eat it and swallow their pride. Maximize the talent on the field. But we will have to move somebody off the dirt to accommodate Holliday? And? So what?
  12. As I said before "Deserve has got nothing to do with it". Maximize the talent on the field. Yes, Holliday is only 19. I honestly believe that, right now, he is the 2nd best infielder in the entire organization. I believe he could come today and outperform guys like Ortiz, Norby, Westburg, Urias, Frazier, Mateo, etc. Not even talking future projections in this moment. I'm saying right now the only better infielder in the entire organization is Gunnar. Win the World Series.
  13. Anybody on the infield can be moved off if need be. I get it and I understand the enormous amount of pride a grown man would have to swallow to be moved off in favor of a literal teenager, and they may feel they dont deserve that. Thing is, deserve has got nothing to do with it.
  14. After you've seen what I've seen, getting banned or protecting your online anonymity does not phase you.
  15. I served honorably and proudly. I am an Iraq combat vet. When I went into the marines I was 19 years old. I later became skeptical of why we there. I was a young kid who didn't know any better. I resent George Bush.
  16. Not EVERYBODY is about money, money, money. The vast majority of Boras clients are about maximizing compensation at the expense of all else. Everybody is different. I could not relate to that. I am a veteran. Served in the Marine Corps. I didn't do it for money. I did for patriotism.
  17. Keeping your own stars is as good as signing a star free agent. Thing is keeping your own stars take money. Do you think we could afford to give judge 40 million?
  18. Funny how Rangers went all in on veteran Free Agents. They bought that lineup. If they win the World Series the title was won in the offseason.
  19. Missing a 40HR big bopper, but other than that I see almost weakness with this lineup. I will stack our lineup against anybody.
  20. We need to stack Adley, Gunnar, Holliday years while we still can. Maximize the talent on the field and go full throttle towards a championship. WIN. THE. WORLD. SERIES.
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