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SilentJames last won the day on May 3 2017

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About SilentJames

  • Birthday 02/16/1983

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    Social Sciences teacher
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Adam Jones
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  1. Actual solution to the pen? Reunion with Tanner Scott? the Marlins seem to be blowing it up early.
  2. Sending Jackson down does nothing, there is nothing left to prove down there. He is taking good ABs, he is working counts, he looks fine in the field etc. I have used the Cowser comp, not to say he should be sent down, in the sense that Cowser looked particularly lost at times during his callup last year. Jackson is facing some professional adversity for the first time as a professional keep running him out there. The fortunate thing is he isn't hurting the team in a significant way right now, and when it finally does click the Orioles will be just that much better.
  3. I'm old enough to remember the days of arguing about :::swoon::: Kasey Kotchman, so I don't begrudge a lot of people "missing," on O'Hearn. Especially because it was totally reasonable to think that he wouldn't have been the impact player he has become.
  4. The other thing we have to note is that this Twins series is the first series the Orioles have opened up against a currently sub 500 team. The National League is putting up some absolutely gaudy offensive numbers right now and the Brewers and Pirates lead their league in RA and the Royals lead all of the MLB with only 48 RA so far on the season. The Orioles have had a pretty tough schedule to open the year, all things being equal.
  5. Not worried at all, we are still les than 20 games in and stats can look real weird. Like, there is no way that both Hays and Holliday have sub 100 BAs for the rest of the year. Things tend to even out. They aren't chasing, they aren't K'ing so this is an anomaly.
  6. We are going to lose games like that probably more times than not, then again it was nice to get one after losing two winnable games in Pittsburgh.
  7. I am very happy that the guys have common goals and interests. Religion and I have never been much of a thing, but to those things are great for them.
  8. Against Detmers they had a lot of loud outs as I remember many batted balls over 100 mph that resulted in outs. The approach was fine, the hits didn't fall.
  9. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand or Dig, Lazarus, Dig! They Might Be Giants - Ana Ng Dave Matthews Band - Warehouse Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm The Specials - Ghost Town
  10. My father passed away earlier this month. I am on spring break so yesterday I had to drive to the eastern Shore first to get an original copy of his will from his lawyer, then go to Worcester County court house and open the estate, then stop at his bank in Millsboro, DE to settle his accounts there and setup his estate account. Starting at 6am I made a loop from Baltimore-Ocean City-Snow Hill-Millsboro-Baltimore. I made it home just as Burnes was finishing the first inning. My Dad loved baseball, it was one of those things that we could actually talk about in that completely stereotypical father-son way. Part of me wants to believe that one was for him.
  11. Comcast has been doing this with all the regional sports networks around the country. They know that live sports are the major drivers of subscriptions for bloated packages that most people don't consume in any meaningful way. I share my MIL Xfinity login so I can stream from the MASN app. The app is certainly NOT the best, but any port in a storm. Hopefully new ownership means we can have a direct streaming option sooner than later. I swear, make a deal with one of the local broadcast affiliates to put the game on one of the alternate areial channels. I know some people might be upset with reruns of the Rifleman being pre-empted during the summer but dang just do it. All that said, I am old enough to remember the HTS days, when it was a "premium," channel so watching the Orioles on TV was a luxury that I did not have a lot growing up. The more things change...
  12. I assume they want Holliday to get more work in at second-base in actual game situations, etc etc. Its annoying, but I look forward to a massive sell-out crowd on a random Tuesday when he make his debut.
  13. Booo, on a side note - my God the A's Elephant is wearing sunglasses
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