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glenn__davis last won the day on June 15 2015

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About glenn__davis

  • Birthday 06/15/1981

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  1. I think his defense was a major disappointment for about 2 weeks. Other than that he's been fine.
  2. If good Burnes is back - and I concede that's an "if" - I wouldn't want to face us with Burnes and Eflin in a 3-game series.
  3. Haha yes, that quote reminded me of the Yogi Berra quote "90% of this game is half mental. "
  4. I don't think it's impossible at all. They've been bouncing around .500 for 3 months now. They will either go 5-4 or 4-5 lol.
  5. Agree, I don't think this is a terrible answer at all. I'd probably also second Braylin Tavera and Luis DeLeon. Max Wagner also couldn't stay healthy and had terrible performance when he did play. Justin Armbruester was a guy who some thought might help in the bullpen this year or maybe even be a darkhorse to get some starts, and he was horrendous at AAA.
  6. Correct. BAL needs one more win to win the season series with the Yankees, which would give them the tiebreaker advantage. So the next when against NYY will actually decrease our magic number to win the division by 3.
  7. I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with talking about, I just think trying to draw any sort of conclusion at all from his performance at this point is a bit DocJJ-esque. No offense intended to the good doctor. Everyone knew he was a bit of a project.
  8. That's fine if you do. Since they moved the draft back these debut years in the same draft just don't mean much to me. There's barely time to get back into rhythm. Like I said I'm not really trying to defend him because I didn't love the pick. But his performance in a few weeks of games means very little to me.
  9. Burns was a 6th-round pick, I wouldn't necessarily call that a miss. And Trimble looks like he has some talent, just can't stay on the field. Rhodes I'd probably put in the miss category. Obviously there are lots of misses in the 3rd round but he doesn't seem to have made much progress in the system.
  10. I'm pretty bearish on him. I don't think their track record with these types of guys is as good as they think it is. But what he does in these few weeks is pretty irrelevant IMO. Just get some reps, then work on things in the offseason.
  11. Sorry - they should NOT go into the season expecting anything from him.
  12. That doesn't mean he's definitively out for all of next year. I'd think August/September is not completely unrealistic timeline, but that will depend on his recovery. I do fully agree that they should go into the season expecting anything from him.
  13. Only 1 ER allowed in 16 IP across three AAA starts for them. I know Soto has turned the corner a bit but if those 2 guys become solid starters this could end up to be a pretty terrible trade.
  14. Correct - I knew that, just misread it and thought it was 12 before last night.
  15. I would consider the season a success, yes. To me, all you can do is try to get yourself in the position for the tournament. From there it's a series of coin flips. You yourself seem to recognize this, but those dang human emotions get in the way, which is fully understandable. Last time the O's made the WS I was 2 years old, which I obviously don't remember. So I get it. But I fully believe "success in the post-season" is largely something that can't be controlled in any meaningful way. Try to have a good bullpen, that's about the best suggestion I could make.
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