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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Good inning for sure. That had to be frustrating for him. Two Ks, then three straight hits. Os gotta keep it up.
  2. DeLeon was real good last night showing an outstanding 3-pitch mix. He really was using his changeup down and away well against righties and the slider was a tough read for the lefties. His fastball command is still not great but he was sitting mid-90 with it and they don't barrel him up much. He did throw 43 of his 65 for strikes and even though he had a season high 8 Ks, he did more on strike looking (13) then misses (9). He had his sink on his fastball working as he got 8 GBs vs 4 FBs and no line drives. He gets a decent amount of chase with Low-A hitters so I'd like to see him challenged with High-A hitters. Like Frobby said, if not for a drop by his first baseman he would have gone a career high 6 IP.
  3. Four multiple hits games in his last six.
  4. The reconstruct the inning without the error is the key. Thanks.
  5. So I looked up the rule book and I can't find anything that says this is the case. Maybe I'm missing it because the rules for unearned runs can be convuluted to say the least. "For purposes of calculating earned runs under Rule 9.16, the runner who begins an inning on second base pursuant to this rule shall be deemed to be a runner who has reached second base because of a fielding error, but no error shall be charged to the opposing team or to any player. For purposes of Rule 9.02, the Official Scorer shall keep records of the number of times each batter and runner is placed at second base in accordance with this rule." In the rulebook under unearned runs it states, "An earned run is a run for which a pitcher is held accountable. In determining earned runs, the Official Scorer shall reconstruct the inning without the errors (which exclude catcher’s interference) and passed balls, giving the benefit of the doubt always to the pitcher in determining which bases would have been reached by runners had there been errorless play. For the purpose of determining earned runs, an intentional base on balls, regardless of the circumstances, shall be construed in exactly the same manner as any other base on balls. (a) The Official Scorer shall charge an earned run against a pitcher every time a runner reaches home base by the aid of safe hits, sacrifice bunts, a sacrifice fly, stolen bases, putouts, fielder’s choices, bases on balls, hit batters, balks or wild pitches (including a wild pitch on third strike that permits a batter to reach first base) before fielding chances have been offered to put out the offensive team. For the purpose of this rule, a defensive interference penalty shall be construed as a fielding chance. A wild pitch is solely the pitcher’s fault and shall contribute to an earned run just as a base on balls or a balk." I don't see where it states a batter that reaches on a fielder's choice due to a runner being being on due to error.
  6. Seems strange to me that Webb's run allowed last night was unearned. I get that ghost runners do not count as earned runs, but the ghost runner was cut down on the fielder's choice by Langeliers after the run down. Langeliers reached base, but it was on a fielder's choice that would have been a 5-3. So I'm guessing that because the ghost runner contributed to Langeliers reaching, it counts as an unearned run? I'll be honest, I just thought if the ghost runner was eliminated, then the run becomes earned, but apparently not.
  7. You know what's interesting? The Orioles were 7-3 while Holliday was here despite his struggles, but did sending him down cost the Orioles a game? Think about it. Urias replaced him in the lineup and went 0-for-3 (something he could have done) and didn't have any productive at bats. He did make a nice stop and throw to get the runner at the plate in a run down, but nothing Westburg most likely would not have made. But, if he were on the roster and not McKenna, Santander probably is in the game in the 9th and most likely makes that catch. So in a weird way, sending Holliday down may have contributed to the Orioles losing last night.
  8. Bumbry got off to an absolute horrid start to his 1974 season. According to his SABR bio, he held out and then never made adjustments when pitchers adjusted to him.
  9. You are over reacting here. He took a step in initally and was not able to recover. You are always the one to say that XBA should no be used, but catch percentage should, and now you are using the opposite because for some reason it's fitting your narrative. McKenna has never had good reaction times but typically takes good routes and has good speed and burst to make up for it, but those at 'em balls are not his strength. It's also worth noting that McKenna had played one game in RF all year prior to being asked to be a defensive replacement. McKenna absolutely blew that play. I'm guessing Santander makes that play because he's pretty good at going back in his career and has even been worth 1 OAA going back this year already. I'll be honest, I've never thought McKenna was that much of a defensive upgrade over Santander, particularly in Camden Yards where Santander has much more experience.
  10. It was a very poor defensive play by Cowser. He took a bad angle to the ball that made him late getting to the ball. But the biggest issue is that he totally "panicked" and airmailed a throw that basically overthrew both Cowser and Westberg, eventually weakly one-hopping to Urias who had no chance at the runner at that point. Cowser has never been known for taking great routes and last night it ended up hurting the team. Obviously Cowser had a game he'd like to forget last night and yes, he's cooled off at the plate as the opposition is working breaking balls away from him right now and he's not made any adjustments. Can't get too upset with him over his at bat against Miller last night as he did foul off several 101-102 MPH fastballs and Miller is that good. Sure, we all wanted him to get that runner over, but if it were easy, he would have done so. Most batters nowadays are taught about doing damage, and not about having "quality at bats" like moving runners over. If he did just try to move him over, it's not like its very easy to do against Miller's stuff.
  11. I honestly want to know this, but how old are you? How long have you've been watching baseball. I mean, sure, last night's game was not fun, but to say you won't watch much the next week over one game of a 162-game schedule just seems like you are putting too much emotion into one game and letting it affect the rest of your life. I mean, the Orioles are a better team than the A's, no one would argue otherwise, but even the best teams get beat 60 times a year and yes, sometimes the "inferior" team is going to win. I mean, the A's get paid too. Those guys are professionals that a trying their best for many reasons. Do you think they go into the game with the Orioles and think, "There's no way we can win this game?" No, they go into the game thinking anything can happen because what baseball history tells us that anything can happen, particularly in one baseball game no matter who is starting or what the records of the teams are. Sure, we can point to the things that went wrong last night and there are valid things to discuss like the fact that the bullpen is short at least one impact reliever (a guy that doesn't need to be taken out for platoon advantages and can pitch in high leverage situations effectively), Kimbrel has been used a ton already, and two defensive miscues in the outfield by outfielders with good defensive chops cost the team. But they are nothing more than talking points. A loss is a loss. They are not fun. Ninth inning blown saves and losing in extras is not fun for the team or the fans. But, what we do know is the Orioles will be back tonight and they have a better chance of winning than losing due to the team's records. Does that mean they SHOULD win? Statistically speaking they should, but that certainly does not mean they will. It's baseball and it's a long season. It's ok to vent in the game threads, but don't let it spill over into the main forum.
  12. The game thread is certainly not for people who take everything that is said too seriously. It's the one place where we allow people to vent (within the rules) without being held responsible for the reactive statements. It's not for everyone, but sometimes it's fun to commiserate and or cheer along with others. I try to be 90% fan in that section myself. It's just the place to release that frustration or enjoy the thrill of a great play/win with other fans. But I understand people that don't like any negativity when they watch a game. That's their right to fan how they want. Besides, half the fun is waiting for the starting pitcher to walk a leadoff batter and having people say the game is about to get out of hand! I don't take anything said in there too seriously.
  13. Tony-OH

    Kevin Brown

    Announcers are certainly a personal preference thing. It's very rare for just about everyone to agree positively (Jon Miller) or negatively (cough **Melanie") over an announcer. Heck, even Melanie has her people that enjoy her. I will say this about Kevin Brown, he has a great voice, and no one, and I mean no one can say he doesn't prepare. In fact, if anything he over prepares. Last night was a good example of knowing when to talk a story and when not to. The Orioles were in the midst of blowing a game they led most of the game. Kimbrel/McKenna blew the 9th inning and Cowser had just made one of the un heads up throws you will see in a crucial situation that allowed the A's to go ahead. Knowing all that, he had his Mason Miller story all ready to go and he's over there talking about him overcoming diabetes and losing weight and blah, blah, blah while he's blowing the Orioles hitters away with the tie run on 2nd and 3rd. I think in this case, he had something prepared for when Miller would come into the game, but should have realized that giving a flowery story about the opposing closer blowing away the Orioles hitters in this game was probably not the appropriate time to tell the story. If I have one criticism of Brown, it's that awareness of when to tell that story or drop those little funny antidotes, or talk about the cute kid with the cotton candy. Things things all have a time and a place, and I think we more experience Brown will do better in his game awareness. One of the things Jon Miller was great at doing was making a boring game interesting to listen to with those kinds of things. When the action is the most important thing to talk about or if the home team just had something bad happen to it, that's not the time. He'll figure that stuff out eventually. Regardless, he's an excellent announcer who teams up well with Ben and Palmer to a lesser extent, though he gets a little too goofy at times with the kinder, gentler, older Palmer. By the way, he handled the young man in the booth last night with grace, respect, and seemed genuinely happy to help set the young man up to live out his dream, if even for an inning or two. Well done Kevin, well done (Props to Palmer to for his handling).
  14. So not a totally easy chance, but definitely one a defensive replacement should make. Maybe McKenna needs to blow one game a year on defense so they can win 101-games. It's like an offering to the baseball Gods. See, Elias really is playing 4D chess.
  15. Yeah, forgot about his misread that contributed to the blown save. Santander catches that ball.
  16. Yeah, you gotta scratch more than two off Stripling. No room was left for error and Kimbrel was a due a bad game. Add in the poor defense from McKenna and Cowser and they earned every bit of this loss.
  17. Ah, I almost forgot about the bandana one screwing up the only reason he was in the game.
  18. They would have just brought the infield in. Plus, Westburg is fast.
  19. Oh well, team loss. Bad hitting, pinhead freaking play by Cowser defensively. Bad bullpen. They gotta own this one. Piss poor loss.
  20. Cowser has never been known as an "over thinker" if you know what I mean. He just panicked.
  21. Kjerstad did what freakin' Cowser should have done.
  22. Hey Kevin Brown.. Shut up on your damn Miller story! Don't care.
  23. Cowser can go sit down and contemplate this game. He sucked it up.
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