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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Martin is the new Phil Niekro or Gaylord Perry for looks!
  2. The Orioles call him, Mr. Pivetta or Sir!
  3. Then he swings at an uncompetitive pitch for strike three.
  4. Let's be honest, a 12 year old could not do much worse and couldn't actually done worse than him this game so far.
  5. This team is about as fun to watch as getting a tooth drilled!
  6. Orioles have a 0.0000001% chance of getting Henderson in.
  7. Lol on Holliday, gets 2-0, then swings at a ball at his neck. Lets a fastball go by in the middle of the plate for a strike, takes a a curveball in the dirt. Then watches strike 3 on a curveball. I will say this again, Holliday does not belong in the major leagues right now. He's just embarrassing at the plate and he doesn't need to be starting every game in a pennant drive.
  8. They just don't poop their pants with runners in scoring position. Most team don't at the rate of this team.
  9. Lol, that's what a 2-out hit looks like with a runner in scoring position.
  10. Rivera's error, but O'Hearn has to be able to either pick that or get in front of it, not swipe it into the stands for a run.
  11. Lol on Holliday. Dude has no place playing at the major league level right now.
  12. And just like a clock strikes 12 twice a day, Slater Ks.
  13. Although, man on 3rd, less than two outs is Orioles kryptonite!
  14. Well you will not see a much uglier swing by a left-hander against a right-handed sweeper than what O'Hearn just did there. lol I'm guessing he guessed wrong.
  15. Really would like to see O'Hearn heat back up!
  16. People have been reaching deep to try and show that Holliday's awful start is not unusual for a top prospect. The Orioles deemed him ready. Let's remember, he was brought up twice before Westburg got hurt and was installed as the everyday 2B. Holliday be any measurable stats has failed at the major league level so far. Does that mean he's not going to be good one day, no, it means he's been disappointing, and it doesn't make you less of a fan to point that fact out.
  17. That's not what anyone is saying. This has nothing to do with who will be good, but who was disappointing. If you're not disappointed in Holliday's major league numbers this year, then you have a very low bar for rookie players, especially one that was considered the number one prospect in all of baseball by most.
  18. I don't follow the Dodgers or any other organization close enough to know who is better than who. I just know the Orioles are not having some amazing success rate that makes me think they have some special "labs" that are head and shoulders above everyone else. Just look around the league and you will find very good players all over the league that came through other systems and players who showed up to new organizations and improved too. I just push back on people who think players like Jimenez were going to suddenly get better or why a major league pitcher will get better with an offseason with this organization. Again, I'm not saying everything is bad, just not special.
  19. There is a contingent of fans that think the Orioles have some magic code that makes players better off season, in season, heck some believe as soon as they show up in an Orioles uniform they will get better just by being in the same room as the Orioles instructors and computer nerds. Every team in baseball have some players that do better with their news team and other that are just as bad. Personally I don't think the Orioles are any better or worse in hitting and pitching development at the major or minor league level than most teams.
  20. And that stuff is why I was never a pitching coach! lol
  21. Now this is very good news. Getting Coulombe back and have him pitching like he was before the injury would be a big booster to the bullpen.
  22. I know there are no rules, but it's kinda tough to give a guy just drafted with less than 60 professional PAS who had been shutdown for over a month from competitive baseball. Honeycutt's start is not impressive and the K rate is something to to keep an eye on, but I personally don't think you can't call him the "most disappointing prospect" for this season.
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