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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Britton would need to realize he would be at AAA and would be a break glass in case of emergency guy unless he suddenly refound his stuff. But looking at his baseball savant numbers, that stuff has fallen with age (like with almost every pitcher). If he was willing to take a AAA contract and go pitch there with no gaurantees then fine, otherwise you have to pass.
  2. I don't know. I'm pretty ok with Rutschman and Holliday being in the organization. If that meant tanking those seasons, I'm ok with that vs trying to get to .500, and picking 15th each season. That was what happened with the Orioles from about 1998 to 2012. Tanking is no fun for the fans during the tanking, that we can agree upon, but considering what the organization looks like right now, I'm ok with how Elias did the rebuild even if I don't agree with all of his moves. Losing a year of minor league development due to COVID probably pushed things back a year so overall, I'm pretty ok with everything because the results have been there since Adley arrived on the major league roster.
  3. I think this is a pretty good synopsis but he did say the draft is a passion of his so I expect he will still be there to make the final calls on at least the first few draft picks. I would also imagine he's involved in any draft strategies that involve going under slot to get an overslot later.
  4. Maybe, but I think he was just genuinely enjoying the stare down moment at the end by Cano. It's hard not to smile by what Cano is doing right now. It's pretty incredible.
  5. I could give two squats about your infatuations with double negatives. You know what I meant.
  6. It's silly because you're talking about something that has 0.00001% chance of happening. You want to discuss fairyland stuff and actually argue over it, do it some place else besides in his 2023 thread. Make a new thread called the Orioles should sign Holliday to an extension now and then all that silliness will be in one thread, not mucking up his perfromance thread for the year. Just to be clear, this is not a request.
  7. I knew there would be talk about Holliday because of his heater he's currently on. He's certainly very advanced, and significantly ahead of where even Elias thought he would be at based on his comment last night. Saying that, I'm the last person who wants to stifle conversation, but this whole sign him to an extension talk is silly. C'mon now, how about we just enjoy a prospect doing historic stuff statistically without getting into Boros, Angelos and Elias' risk aversion. There is plenty of time to talk about that with Holliday when he makes he debut with the Orioles and I'm sure the same posters will have this discussion again. But maybe, just maybe, we limit this premature conversation until he's actually in an Orioles uniform? Sometimes you just need to enjoy a young man playing baseball without talking about the business aspects of the game that will NEVER EVER happen with the Orioles for lots of reason. Back to Holliday's on field performance, if he keeps this up they will start walking him a lot which means he will need to be promoted to challenge him. Bowie does not have a real SS prospect so there is playing time available for him there. I would not be surprised if he's not moved to Bowie after Memorial Day. What he's doing is very, very special for sure.
  8. Holy crap, the way Mullins turned on that ball I thought that was gone.
  9. It's hard for anyone to not be more nervous with him on the mound vs Cano.
  10. What did I miss? I've been going over the classic one point ban thread!
  11. Speaking of knowing posters by their writing style, weams was like a savant at that stuff. He would be like, you know "new poster A" is "old banned poster B" do you want me to reban them? Depending on who they were, I'd usually say let them hang around until they get back up to their old tricks.
  12. We used to ban people a lot back in the day but it's pretty rare. Mostly because the troll like posters that would show up and get banned don't sig up for message boards anymore. They're on Twitter and Facebook so really, we have such an established board, that those kind of posters don't want to spend their time here. Plus, we tend to give "vacations/suspensions" from a day to a week depending on the situation vs banning totally. I'm a lot more lenient on certain things but I also think this board does a great job of policing itself. If you say something and get a S-ton of down votes, I think the community is trying to tell you something.
  13. This is what I get for being in hole today at work with no internet access until I got home at 7pm!
  14. Do you know how bad you need to get my nerves to get a downvote from me in the game thread. You earned that one!
  15. God bless OldFan. Love or hate his posts, he was absolute one of kind classic poster.
  16. When @DrungoHazewood had no life and could post here all the time, you had to be on your A game with your comments because he would drop some statistical bombs on you. He's one of the original guys along with @Frobby that made me check available stats before making an offhand comment back in the day. I'd be sitting in Afghanistan with only 15 or 20 minutes of internet time for a day yet I'd be researching before posting because I didn't want to be called out!
  17. It keep me busy for sure! The funny thing is I'll get PMs about you with people telling me that I let you get away with everything.
  18. Talking about weams is never sappy and will never be not welcome. Weams should always be remembered around here. He was so hard to piss off so every once in awhile, when he would get mad and someone and ban them, he would always send me a PM telling me if I wanted to overrule him he would understand. I would tell him, if they pissed you off, they deserved to be banned. I think in all the years I may have semi-over ruled him once and even he admitted he was in a rare bad mood that day.
  19. That was 100% true too. I one time had to pull grass in between rocks during CASUAL status before AIT.
  20. Ok, I just got word of this. I can't believe anyone would get so upset with a moderator giving them a warning point. First, it really means nothing other than to get your attention. sometimes moderators have to make a preemptive strike to get ahead of asituation that will get out of hand. You mention "banning" but you were not banned, you were given a point off which again, means really nothing. Now I gotta go through this thread of 16 pages to see what happened here. Either way, you always have the right to appeal to my privately but I'm going to tell you and everyone else, I have the moderators back and unless they really messed up, I have no intention of over ruling them, especially something as minor as this.
  21. I think this bodes well for Cowser coming up for sure. If he can cover down on first base adequately, it allows Mountcastle to go to more of a part-time 1B/DH type against righties.
  22. I think Voth has found his niche and the Orioles have figured out that he's not a guy you get up quick and get him into a game. Saying that, I'm not totally against him going back into the rotation if needed. Now when does that need occur? Well that depends on the health of Gibson, Wells, Kremer and Bradish, and Rodriguez's ability to bounce back from two bad starts in his last 3 outings. For now, I think he provides some length and can save the bullpen from getting overused (although Hyde seems determined to do this no matter what).
  23. With an all-right-handed rotation, this could be a good role for him. He can provide length out there.
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