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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Rutschman gets way too cautious calling that splitter, even when it's clearly not on. Bautista up there throwing 102 MPH. Good lord. THROW THE DAMN FASTBALL UP!!!
  2. Can't keep hanging splitters. That splitter has not been very good for a few outings now.
  3. I like my relievers to appear a little psychologically imbalanced like Baker!
  4. Tell you what, the Orioles picked the right time to go into a hitting slump!
  5. I just saw that and then thought about our conversation here. I agree, some people are really dumb.
  6. Luis Gonzalez makes his debut in Low-A. Still only 20-years old but serious contact issues last year in the FCL.
  7. You've got to be real, real sure about a bat when you take a 1B 1-1. The most shocking thing has been his inability hit fastballs at the major league level. Now the good news for him is that his expected numbers are better this year against them so maybe's he's been a but unlikely, but we typically see a guy who struggles with offspeed when they hit the majors, not fastballs. At least not for top hitting prospects. I think it's too early to call him a bust, but he's certainly reached disappointment stage.
  8. As some of you also do, I play OOTP and typically take over an Orioles team and then then play many seasons trying to win another world series with them. I've done it with 1976 Orioles by doing a what if scenario by resigning Reggie Jackson and Bobby Grich. In that scenario I ended up taking my Orioles teams to the World Series three times in 4 years, winning World Championships. I also just did it by taking over the 1999 team, which of course included a prime Mu$$ina. Now, everything in me wanted to trade him away, but I decided to sign him long term. I also went about getting rid of every aging, expensive player on the roster to include Cal Ripken (fans were not happy but it was for the best as I ended up signing David Bell in free agency and he was much better both offensively and defensively for the same money Cal was costing.) Anyways, Mussina was the ace every year until 2022, when I was able to pull of a deal for a young AJ Burnett while also getting a major league ready Mark Prior in the draft. The team went on a really good run late in the year to finish in the Wild Card (95 wins) behind a Yankees team that won 109 games. Surprisingly, the team caught on fire like the 2014 Royals and I could not be stopped, beating the Yankees 3 game to 1 in the Wild Card before sweeping the A's in ALCS and then beating the Astros in the World Series. So yes, I won a world series with Mike Mu$$ina in 2002. So I like the virtual version who decided to stay an Orioles and leave a legacy behind as one of the best Orioles pitchers ever.
  9. Perhaps, but my point is that the financial strains of players are much less than they were in the early 1900s when players were basically indentured servants to the owners. Also, I could not imagine in today's age of electronic surveillence that we all carry around with his in our pockets, that there could ever be a secret meeting where players discussed throwing games. I'm not anti-gambling. Even though, I'm not a big gambler myself, I don't have an issue with sports betting. I just have an issue with being inundated wit the advertisements to BET during telecasts. Since I believe in personal responsibility, I don't think I should tell someone what they can and can't do with their money nor should I tell someone how they should enjoy the game.
  10. I agree. I think that's how it will shake out if Westburg is promoted vs Ortiz, but Westburg is not on the 40-man so I would be surprised if it's him.
  11. Tony-OH

    Joey Ortiz 2023

    Ortiz was always part of infield depth coming into this season. The fact that he's continued hitting and hitting the ball hard consistently shows he was probably ready for the big leagues coming into this year.
  12. As I was saying for years, I believe Baumann's best role is in relief. If his knucklecurve stays consistent, it really gives him that pitch that can get ground balls and miss bats. He's found his role.
  13. The issue with players betting or throwing games like back in the early 1900s has been negated by the huge increase in salaries. No reason to risk permanent banning when the major league minimum is $720K a year. I really don't care if people want to bet on games, just maybe tone down the advertising inundation we are under.
  14. The good news in all of this is we're starting to build a little depth with the pitching. The Rotation now includes: Kyle Gibson Tyler Wells Grayson Rodriguez Dean Kremer Kyle Bradish The starting depth includes: Voth (Yes he's not been good this year so far, but he could get stretched back out if needed) Irvin (No one but Wildcard expected him to be in AAA by mid-April, yet here he is with no clear path back to the rotation besides an injury) Hall (I'm putting him here but I'm also going to put him in the relief where he belongs IMHO) Rom (Off to a good start in AAA though the stuff still remains suspect as a starter) Watkins (Deep depth, more of a long guy/spot starter) Zimmermann (Left-handed version of Watkins, break glass in case of emergency guy) The bullpen has started to take shape with the surprise additions of Coulombe and Cano becoming big pickups to the pen: Closer: The Mountain has been fantastic Setup: Bryan Baker - That split finger has become a weapon and outside his first appearance he's been nails) Setup: Yennier Cano - Who would have think it coming into the year that his stuff and command would take such a step forward at 29-years old? Setup (LHP): Perez - He's struggled to refind his 2022 magiv and while his FIP suggested he would regress this year, his struggles to command are a bit worrisome. Middle: Michael Baumann - Seems to have finally found his role and perhaps his consistent breaking ball with the knucklecurve. Middle: Danny Coulombe - He's been absolutely huge so far this season and may end up in more high leverage situations if Perez doesn't snap out of things. Long: Austin Voth - Finally had a clean outing in his last appearance and hopefully has settled down a bit after giving up home runs in every appearance before then. Long: Akin - Has had a lot of his mind with the wife being pregnant so his early struggles can be excused a bit. The Orioles would like for him to the the long guy with an all right-handed rotation but he has an option and Coulombe has taken over the as the second (maybe first) lefty out of the pen for now. With options remaining, Akin could be on thin ice when Tate or Givens comes off the IL. Depth Tate and Givens are reportedly close to rehab appearances. Hall could be a Perez replacement at some point Krehbiel and Vespi (LHP) have been pretty good Gillaspie wasn't very good, but he was good enough this spring for the orioles to take him north to start the year, so he could still be a depth guy. So honestly, when you look at things, they don't look that bad overall but everything needs to be caveated that the Orioles have faced some bad offensive teams of late. Saying that, it appears Elias has some depth to work from right now if an injury or poor performance dictates moves.
  15. I don't disagree. I realize MLB could care less about the 45+ somethings out there. I also realize that at 53, I'm getting to the point that things like homer hoses, pounding their chests after getting a single in a 11-2 game, and gambling ads are things that annoy me, but they aren't going to stop me from watching. Then again, I have the disposable income they are after so at some point they need to balance this attraction to new fans while keeping us old guys semi-happy too.
  16. Wonder where they are getting their numbers for hard contact.
  17. But wait, I've done the research on the internet and I found out how you can get your Cialis for the cheapest price. That commercial bugs me too. If you are paying $60 a pill for a boner, that better come with a girl.
  18. I don't disagree with this take at all, but it doesn't mean we have to like it anymore just because it's bringing in "younger fans." Obviously I find getting barraged with gambling advertisements during commercials, in pre game, and worse of all during the telecast by the announcer just awful. I can't say it ruins my experience, but it does not make it more enjoyable. If I watch the pregame show at all, which is rare, but if I do I immediately turn the channel when they start talking odds and crap. I just don't care. I didn't need gambling to enjoy watching the Orioles games before, so I'm not going to start now. Saying that, I understand why they are doing this and yes, like 99% of the things nowadays, if you just follow the money you can find the ultimate answer. I will say this though, I don't understand how Fan Duel and Draft kinds think they are gaining customers by showing the same commercial 4 or 5 times a game (at least). Is there anyone who in the 7th inning of a game is like, "You know, I think NOW I'm going to try this betting thing!" In fact, I would argue that the inundation of the advertising makes me want to partake less. Now I could be in the minority (though it appears on here I'm not), but if I can't annoyed by seeing the same commercial over and over, I actually will not buy their product/service or whatever. I understand advertising, heck, the Hangout makes money because of advertising, but if I made you click off ads between screens or all you ever saw was Draft Kings ads all over the site, it would become monotonous and boring. Basically my biggest issue with all of this is it's all overkill. If I have to watch Kevin Hart's barking dog, career "jumping the shark moment" commercial one more time I'm going to . Oh, and Lisa Kearney "fake interviewing" the "winners" where her giant lips and her overexaggerated "Hmmm," like she heard something profound, drives me bonkers as well. Maybe at least make rule that they can only show the same commercial once in a broadcast so it makes them go out and make like 12 different commercials. Then again MASN has done this for years. They always have about 3-4 main sponsors that they run those same commercials from. By May you are ready to poke your ear drums out.
  19. Gammons may have been having another stroke at the time though, so that doesn't count.
  20. BTW, that's hilarious!
  21. Lol, that's twice this week I've been caught with that.
  22. That's been Elias' M.O. so far. he really doesn't like DFAing pitchers unless he thinks he can get them through waivers.
  23. With Elias never liking to lose useable options, I could see Akin getting optioned instead of Voth since Voth doesn't have an option but Akin does. Both Coulombe makes Akin a little less needed as the second lefty so if he's not pitching well, I think Akin is the guy that goes after Gillaspie.
  24. Is this where we are in professional reporting? Are we really abbreviating could in a one sentence tweet? Did taking that "ou" out save anyone time? lol I hope this is not something that catches on.
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