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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. True. Trust me, we all know the game was won if not for the inexcusable drop, but Bautista still ultimately got beat on his low fastball to a fastball hitter. I'll be honest, I wasn't thrilled with pitch call there. 1-0 dead red fastball hitter. Even if he gest behind 2-0, I think you gotta keep throwing that split finger. I'd rather walk him and face Triston Casas then throw him a fastball in a fastball count.
  2. Huh? The EV and distance aren't available for some reason but that ball was a laser. I'm guessing that a homer in every stadium, over Camden Yards.
  3. Kremer was bad, no doubt. But at the end of the day, they allowed four runs over 6 innings though obviously two of them should not have happened. Either way, they had to pitch out of a lot of jams and never made it look very easy. Grant it this Red sox team can put quite the lineup together, but the bullpen was/is missing that shutdown guy. I'm not worried about Bautista since I think he'll come around fine, but I really have no confidence in anyone else out there besides Perez. Missing Tate and Givens is going to hurt.
  4. Yeah, it's emotionally hard to comeback from "we won" to oh my God, that dimwit just dropped that.
  5. Mateo almost threw way game one. That's two games in a row where a lackadaisical play has hurt this team late. I don't know if its just a flukish thing or guys getting a little too comfortable. Its probably more of a flukish thing, but the Orioles can not afford their defense to break down in key moments like it has.
  6. This is about a painful loss as it gets, but the one constant in these games were poor relief pitching and awful outfield defense. I can't imagine that Mullins and Hays suddenly forgot how to play defense so they should be better. Santander slipped last year defensively and looked terrible in the first game. It's why I thought he would spend most of his time at DH this year. As for McKenna, as much as it sucks, and yes McKenna has never been known as a heads up player, but it was a freak drop. So overall I expect the outfield defense to improve. Now, the bullpen? Bautista looks like a guy late in spring training, which is where he is since he started late. His command is not there. Perez should be fine, and Gillaspie's stuff looks pretty decent, but he doesn't have a track record of success. Akins has been fine but honestly, is there a guy in this pen right now that you feel confident when they are on the mound? I think the bullpen is going to be very hit and miss this season. They'll obviously be better than they've been in these games, but I didn't have a ton of confidence in them going into the season and they have done nothing to gain my confidence after blowing two big leads (though they got out of the 1st game by the hair on their chinny chin chins". Can't say the games have been boring. lol
  7. He is not a butcher in the field. Not in any way and if you want to come at me, you better bring better analysis than this BS. I showed multiple times last year how his defensive numbers were dragged down by two misplays. I've watched him play defense in the outfield over many games. While he's not smooth, and I would not call him a plus outfielder, he's an average outfielder who is similar to Santander before he got really slow out there last year. Now, you can hate on Stowers in your attempt to kiss the Orioles butt in every way, but you will look silly if he's ever actually given everyday PAs by someone. The fact that you think he's a bat off the bench tells me everything we need to know about your ability analyze and access baseball talent. You're only saying that because that's how the Orioles have misused him and its actually quite laughable. It's particularly laughable that you think Frazier is an everyday player while Stowers is a bat off the bench. lol
  8. It was in the middle of the plate, but down. Not the worse pitch. Honestly, I wasn't thrilled with the pitch call. Duvall is a great fastball hitter. But saying that, he's not really getting his splitter over a lot and throwing a lot of uncompetitive pitches.
  9. McKenna has always been that guy. He's a guy that will make great plays, but just headscratching knucklehead plays. He was sat by minor league managers on more than one occasion for losing focus during games. He is who he is. Saying that, I don't know how you drop that ball.
  10. That's a goofy decision. It never hit him. Awful.
  11. Well it did not hit him, the question is did it hit the bat.
  12. Pretty sure him pitching in this situation means he already has.
  13. Raise your hand if you have a good feeling about this bullpen saving this game?
  14. I think we can put the Urias to leadoff to rest. This experiment was an utter failure.
  15. Maybe. The balls are certainly doing strange things already.
  16. What in the actual hell Hays? What is wrong with our outfield defense?
  17. 1st start shows a lot of non competitive pitches, a lack of sliders, and not as much swing and miss that you would like to see. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=3/31/2023&gamePk=723758&chartType=pitch&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=playerBreakdown&sportId=11#723758
  18. Interesting. Thought they would use Voth as the long guy and Baumann for more high leverage stuff.
  19. Weird challenge. That was not definitive enough to challenge.
  20. AAA using same ball, Top EVs today in Tides game, 110.1, 108.7, 106.3, 105.8, 105.3. Something is up.
  21. I will say this, there might be something with the ball being juiced. We are in April and the ball is absolutely flying. Guys are hitting with one hand and hitting it 400+ feet. Top EVs this game through 3 innings... 109, 107.4, 107, 106.5, 106. That's very high.
  22. This is why you get an impact starter in the offseason. Gibson would be starting this game instead of Kremer, who gets a 7-1 lead and comes out and craps his pants.
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