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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Oy, that's got to be Slater's ball there. Weird/bad route.
  2. Bigger girls need work too. Seriously though, that commercial doesn't nearly annoy me as much as that Dick's commercial.
  3. According to sprint speeds, Eloy would barely win with 25 ft/sec over Kirk at 24.6 ft/sec.
  4. Kirk has certainly not missed many meals.
  5. Good Lord, I don't know what was a more annoying commercial, that Amazon commercial or that awful Dick's commercial where everyone calls that lady at the same time asking her to buy stuff for them!
  6. Jimenez sure has looked good so far.
  7. Quite the professional at bat by Mounty there!
  8. It's the Tony Tater Show!!
  9. That very well may have been Santander's best catch ever.
  10. Santander!!!! Before I could even say, "what the hell are they doing pitching to Vlad" A rocket and then Santander's catch!
  11. The question is whether Kimbrel will be used. My guess with Cano pitching now, he very well could get the 9th if it's still a save opportunity.
  12. Now can this bullpen hold it for 9 outs?
  13. Thank God the Blue Jays didn't go to the lefty or Holliday would have been PH'd for! lol
  14. Mr. Holliday did not miss that! Wow!
  15. Weird, it's like we've said this before. Again, if this team doesn't hit home runs it doesn't score.
  16. Ok, that was a clown show play by Mayo!
  17. Wonder what the ERA of pitchers acquired at the trade deadline by Elias over the last two years? When do we start questioning the pro scouts?
  18. Oy, Rogers has no out pitch. So while they're trying to get him more velocity, may be teach him a pitch that misses bats.
  19. I'm a big Mayo believer, but he's not even hitting very hittable 94 MPH fastballs. Seems like the moment is a little too big for him so far. Not the first rookie we've seen look like a deer in headlights when they arrive, but disappointing none the less.
  20. Lol on striking out the side against this guy.
  21. That was potential double play ball on thr Mayo play, but that did take a bad bounce.
  22. Rogers = Bruce Zimmermann Who scouted this guy? He literally has no out pitch.
  23. Baker is not awful, but I'd rather see Webb in pretty much most situations.
  24. Sure, why not at this point? Webb was used pretty extensively and often this year. Not sure if that contributed or not.
  25. Interesting. I've seen Adley do this before and it's maddening. Then again, I've always felt pitch calling was not his best attribute as a catcher.
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