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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Tony-OH

    DSL Orioles 2024

    They seem to be babying Morfe a bit. The command must not be very good with the 5.8 BB/9, but he's clearly got some stuff or velocity to work with due to the K/9. I agree though, Morfe is the best pitching prospects down there and his numbers were better.
  2. Tony-OH

    FCL Orioles 2024

    I would imagine the college position players will now debut in Delmarva vs the FCL and the high school guys will probably just stay in Florida through instructs.
  3. They would do it legitimately by bringing him up on Aug 31st so he's eligible. Now could someone step in a Jimenez pothole to make room, sure.
  4. If the plan is to bring him up with just enough time to keep his RoY candidacy in 2025, then they'll promote him like they did with Gunnar on 8/31/ This would allow him to be playoff eligible if deemed needed.
  5. The way he threw the ball on Sunday suggests he's probably pretty close. Definitely one of his best command days and the slider was a good whiff pitch.
  6. The DH numbers were mostly from early in the year when he wasn't allowed to throw due to the elbow. His slow start could have been because of the lack of offseason due to the elbow as well. Saying that, Basallo is holding his own against AA pitching though not putting up the consistent power yet, but that will come. I've seen him take some pretty good at bats of late even though the numbers have not been great in July. He still has a great future.
  7. Updated thru July 22nd.
  8. Tony-OH

    FCL Orioles 2024

    I believe they had some double headers and may just be short pitchers. Wining and losing in the FCL is not a priority at all. They don't even charge to watch the games, or at least they didn't.
  9. They typically try to keep some of these signing bonuses quiet as they try and sign the other players.
  10. Sorry, that was a mistake. I fixed it. As of me typing this, I have not heard of him signing but I see no reason that he won't sign.
  11. Well they're both good defensive CFers too. I agree that Honeycutt comes with better hitting stats than Fabian who always seemed like a project pick. Hopefully he'll be Fabian defensively but a Westburg like hitter. that would be a pretty darn good player.
  12. Layton, "It's been a dream of mine since I was a kid to play professional baseball," he said in a statement. "My family and I thought the opportunity was more than amazing and something we thought I couldn't pass on. The blessing that I have been given to have the type of talent to not only have the opportunity to play college baseball, but to also become a part of the very small population of athletes to say they play a professional sport, makes it all the more reason to take advantage of the opportunity that I have in front of me. I am well aware of the future struggles that will come with playing baseball at the professional level and, to say the least, I am excited and ALL IN for those future struggles!" Sounds like he has basically signed.
  13. Lol, when I type fast I leave out all kinds of words.
  14. Maybe they'll take Yacqui Rivera and Kevin Guerrero back for him? Rivera is starting to throw harder.
  15. Devers had a .937 fielding percentage in the minors at 3B, Mayo has a .929 overall, but .940 in AAA so he has improved. Mayo has been improving but there will be errors. What some may not taking into considering is how many plays Mayo makes because of his arm that others may not? He comes in well and he's got a decent first step with a big arm span. I believe his offense will outweigh his defense. Part of the equation though is how much defense will they lose at 2B with Westburg and when do you pull the trigger on Holliday again? Unless Mountcastle is moved (his defense has been very good at 1B) Mayo remains in a tough situation unless they are going to keep Holliday in AAA until September or August 31st to make him playoff eleigible.
  16. At times it's inaccurate for sure. I'm not going to lie, at some point it does become a "concern" because it's the only thing holding him back. Do I think his bat can make up for the throwing issues, I do, but I can understand the Orioles reluctance to bring him up if he can't calm that down. If the Orioles think the throwing problems will never allow him to play 3B or 1B then they have to consider moving him to RF because DH is not an option with the way they use Adley. This also could be a reason the Orioles decide to allow him to headline a trade. Now I hope they don't do that because an impact middle of the order hitter, but the Orioles value defense highly.
  17. Definitely a tough defensive weekend. Certainly didn't help himself when he's going to need to play 3B or 1B to break into the lineup this year.
  18. I'll be honest, I'm going to be disappointed if we leave Miami without Scott. The Marlins owe us anyway for giving us crap for him in the first place. lol Scott would upgrade our 8th inning situation.
  19. I agree for the most part. I do think the impact arms are the guy they should target and are the guys they need. Saying that, if they can improve the team without giving up the big-3 I'm not against that either. Will I be disappointed if they don't get impact arms, yes I will, but I don't think you necessarily give up on improving team if you can't swing those deals. I do agree that Montas doesn't do much for us unless they plan to put him in the pen as a fastball, split-finger guy and hope his stuff plays up in relief. That's really risky though.
  20. The Giants love ex-Orioles. lol Good 'ol cash considerations gets another 26th man on a major league roster. Good for Baumann though. He gets to stay in the big leagues.
  21. Agreed. Stowers has been stuck in AAA due to the Orioles outfield depth and I think he's still going to end up an everyday guy for someone. He's not going to hit for a high average, but he's going to hit bombs, and he's going to be solid defensively with his new found speed. Stowers has holes in his swing, but he also is a guy who can look totally lost 2 or 3 at bats in a game, and then hit that bomb in the 9th to win it. I'm still a Stowers believer and to be honest, if he was eligible, he might be the #4 prospect behind the big 3.
  22. This makes sense to me. Elias is basically telling all of his trade partners that they are not his only option. This is all a game of high-stakes poker. My only concern is he has never acquired an impact player for prospects at the trading deadline. Now, the easy response is that he's never really thought his team was set up to make the World Series until this year, and that would not be wrong. This deadline is Elias' first real test to see what he's willing to part with and what he can get in return. Everyone knows he needs at least one impact starter and probably one impact bullpen arm. If he can pull that off without giving up any of the big-3, that would be a miracle.
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  24. I think AAA will give us a better idea of what the Orioles have in Weston. It's a unique arm angle and he does flash good stuff at times, but I want to see how AAA lefties hit him. He's done really well against AA and A+ lefties by throwing that slider down and in on them as well as using that changeup away. He also will backdoor them as well. It's a unique set of skills he brings to the mound, but his ground ball rate fell against AA hitters and they've been able to square him up a bit. He's out pitched his FIP and xFIP in AA so let's see how the rest of the season goes. They've really kept him on a low pitch count so maybe they see him a reliever. I do think that's his most likely outcome, but I'm not ready to give up in him as a starter.
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