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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Sticks and that poor inside contested offensive game. If he could make 50% of them he'd be money!
  2. Wiggens finally with his first real play on that drive. now Ohio State gets "T'd" up.
  3. Good point. Ohio state has gone Ice cold now which has helped.
  4. This is the first time he's looked like a game changer defensively. I like it!
  5. I really wonder if moving the 3-point line back really has messed with them. they spent their entire lives shooting at the old line that I have to imagine moving it back can cause some problems with some players.
  6. 8-3 run by the Terps has it back to 11-9. If history tells us this season, if they can keep it close the Terps can play well in the 2nd half and pull this out.
  7. At the 14:33 mark, the Terps scored their first point on a free throw. 8-1...
  8. Wonder what the record is for not scoring at the beginning of a Division I basketball game?
  9. Four minutes in and the Terps have not scored a point. Unbelievable how bad this team starts off games.
  10. Big game here for the Terps. they can't get buried in the 1st half. Ohio state can get off to good starts so they need to keep it close by half.
  11. I think they could both make it. Like I said earlier, I could see Martin being the utility guy which might be his role at the major league level when it's all said an done. Just depends on whether Elias thinks Martin needs to play everyday in AAA or he needs to continue his development against major leauge pitching.
  12. I think Elias/Hyde put a lot of stock in defense up the middle.
  13. Maybe it's not coming across right, but I only see one video in the OP and it's his cutter/slider.
  14. I don't know that I would agree that there is a blanket answer to this question. I'd go with it depends on the hitter. There are lots of difference reasons why some hitters can only hit effectively up to the AAA level.
  15. One of thing to consider is that according to a source, Scott has a blood circulation problem in his hands that leaves them very cold and sometimes tingly like when your hand falls asleep. There are some that think this is the reason his command can be so bad at times. So while the talent has always been there, the question has always be can he consistently command the baseball enough to be counted on in big moments. So far the answer has been a resounding no, despite the obvious talent he possesses including a slider that can be double plus at times.
  16. Wilkerson can't play SS effectively which is a requirement of a utility infielder.
  17. I agree with this. It also tells me what they think of Martin currently since they spent this offseason telling everyone he was better than the available defensive metrics. I don't think Iglesias will bring much if anything back in trade, so it appears they value his defense way more than Martin. Either way, I could see him platooning with Martin or Martin making it as a utility guy still. I could see us with Iglesias at SS, Martin at 2B, and Alberto at 3B against left-handers. Martin would also play SS when Iglesias gets a day off against right-handers once in awhile.
  18. @sbauer Can you look into this? Same thing seems to be happening for most links. they all seem to go to https://www.orioleshangout.com/2017/02/09/welinton-castillo-play-wbc/.
  19. Cool little story. I really liked what I saw from Klimek on the mound at Bowie last year. He could be a guy in he big leagues if he can improve the fastball command a bit more consistently. His curveball can flash plus at times.
  20. Let's be careful here. I realize you guys are joking around, but what he does to get jacked is his own business. I don't think we should be openly suggesting someone is doing something illegal regardless of how quickly he seems to get angry. Besides, when he went off on me, I found out later his Dad was very ill and later died, so he clearly could have been under a lot of stress. It was part of the reason why I thought he would have apologize last season and all would have been forgotten from my end, but not everyone is like that.
  21. The only time I almost came to blows at work, outside of basic training/AIT, was when I was in Afghanistan and I almost came to blows with my Battalion commander because he was making decisions that was going to put lives in danger. Saying that, there were a few times back in the day that I considered trying to meet up with some posters who were particularly nasty and went after my family or just plain made stuff up about me. Age, maturity and experience though have now allowed me to just ignore these kinds of people.
  22. This is where I am. The Orioles are going to be pretty bad next season. Why would they not want to see what they have in Martin at the major league level? Martin showed he could hit lefties effectively in the second half of last year so why not give him more opportunities against right-handers this year? Unless they are going to give Addison Russel a chance, I'm all for Martin going back out there next season.
  23. If you are a reporter and almost come to blows with other reporters, it probably says a ton more about you than anything else. Trust me when I say the reporter world is not exactly filled with A-type ultra competitive athletes.
  24. It was a nice win, but we've seen how inconsistent this team can be and they were able to take advantage of an an Indiana team that is actually poorer then they are at shooting the 3. Maryland is at it's best when it can run because Turgeon has no offensive plan other than play globetrotter ball around the 3-point line before someone driving and then kicking at for a three. The Terps were able to run and were more athletic than Indiana. Nice to see, but don't get too excited because they still got off to a slow start and were only up by five a few minutes after half until they went on an amazing run that made the game look much worse than it really was. Basically the Terps played out of their minds for about 10 minutes and looked like the team that lost to Seton Hall for the other 30.
  25. iAfter a slow start, this was the team we had hope we'd see. After about five minutes into the second half, they totally started playing out of the minds in all aspect of the game. Morsell really stepped up this game along with the smith and even Wiggens looked better overall though he still looks lost at times out there. Agreed about Marial, this was my first look and he looks a very long way from being an offensive threat. He's way too weak for this level offensively, but he does change some shots on the defensive side and will pick up some high rebounds.
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