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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. He's my report on his start tonight against Lakewood... 7/1 vs Lakewood 1st inning FB 91-92, 94 (t95) cb 75. 77, 79 ch 76-79 82 slider 1. R - 3-2 KL, 94 2. L 1-1 7, 93 L- 3-2, 93 2B L- 1-1 , 76 CB, HBP R- 3-2, 93 KS, 27 pitches to get through inning. Started left-handers off with CH with good drop. Can throw for strikes. Threw a two seamer around 89-91, and a four seamer at 93-94. Slider was at 82 and not good. 2nd inning FB 92-93, CB 76 R - 3-2 CH (80) 4-3 up middle R - 0-2 SL (83( low and away KS R - 1-2 SL (82) low and away KS Worked on the slider during this inning against the righties. Some sharp late bite that he kept low and away. 3rd inning FB 89-93.. R - 1-2 SL (82) low and away KS (1) R - 0-1 SL (80) low and away P-6 (2) L - 3-1 FB (93) High, missed with two changeups (3) L - 0-0 FB (91) 1B down rightfield line (4) L - 0-0 FB (93) P6 4th inning FB 88-92 (5) R - 1-1 FB 91 F8 (6) R - 1-1 SL (81) SL center cut, 2B (7) R - 0-2 FB (92) 2b to RC for RBI Strange 0-2 call and pitch selection (out trying to stretch to 3b) (8) R - 0-1 FB (88) F8 5th inning FB 90, 91 t93 (9) R - 1-2 SL (83) KS (1) R 0-1 (FB) 91 F9 (2) L 1-2 CH (76) left up for 1B (3) L 1-0 Fb (90) in on hands for 1-3 80 pitches on the game… Fastball ranged from 89-94 but sat a lot of 92-94, t 95. Used the changeup for outs against lefties. Changeup got a little loopy in 5th inning. Slider was his best pitch against righties, kept it low and away for swinging strikes to righties. Moved fastball around zone, missed mostly low.
  2. McCoy's emergence has been one of the best stories of the season. While I'm not convinced yet he's an everyday SS in the major leagues, I'm also not discounting it either.
  3. You also have to take into consideration that Martin played in a hitter's friendly Texas League while McCoy is playing in the pitcher's friendly Easter League.
  4. Meoli, Ruiz and Trezza also put out actual good information on Twitter as well, not just regurgitating what happened in the game. I've had my issues with Melewski as well in the past, but his work this spring during games was outstanding. He effectively called the game action, but his knowledge of the players, particularly the minor league players that were playing put him a notch up. He used stats effectively (Unlike Hunter who once pointed out that Chris Lee was a great prospect because of his 5-0 record at Bowie the year before) and his interviews had good questions. Ruiz, Meoli and Trezza have added needed fresh blood into the local beat. Of course none of them follow me on Twitter so they are supporting my "blacklist" from the local beat media.
  5. Boy, that was an article that said nothing that anyone who follows the team didn't already know or have read. I thought it was going to say the what the Orioles have Sisco working on or something. Instead it was a fluff piece that regurgitated what Hyde had already said about wanting to give them both at bats.
  6. I really don't have any specific insights into that, but I imagine with Elias having so many jobs (GM, scouting director, farm director) that he's relying pretty heavily on Hyde for his assessment of his current major league roster and needs.
  7. A little surprised Scott was sent back down the way he was throwing the ball instead of Fry. Scott has a better chance of being part of a future here than Fry.
  8. At the end of the day, the talent of the pitcher has a lot more to do with his success than the catcher behind the plate calling pitches, but a good game caller who is on the same wave length as a good pitcher can be helpful to said pitcher because he can relax more and let the catcher think while he executes.
  9. dWAR for catchers has to be the worse metric ever created. There is not a baseball professional in all of professional baseball that would consider Sisco and Severino even defensively. And yes, I know you probably think you are smarter than all of them so spare me that reply.
  10. Believe what you want, I'm not going to argue over your insane suggestion that catcher's just put fingers down until the pitcher finds the one he wants.
  11. What makes you think the Orioles believe that Sisco is a better overall "prospect" than Severino at this point? Severino is a much better defensive catcher and has been one of the team's best hitters. All of the statcast information leans in Severino's direction as well.
  12. That's not how this works. Each catcher is different and the relationship with his pitcher is different. Good catchers will call their own game with the pitcher rarely shaking him off. Most pitchers prefer to have the catcher call the game, leaving them to just execute the pitch. Sure, the pitcher has the ultimately responsibility to make the final call since he can physically throw whatever he wants, but if the pitcher trusts the catcher, you won't see a ton of shakeoffs. As one pitcher told me in spring this year, when Joseph or Castillo was behind the plate, he threw what they put down. When it was "others" it was more of a "collaborative" decision. In other words, he didn't trust Sisco or Wynns.
  13. He has a very high baseball IQ which is something I appreciate. His future will all revolve around his ability to hit. He's obviously overmatched with the stick and has really struggled with major league breaking pitches and offspeed. I hope his bat can come around in the second half, but his statcast info doesn't give much hope that he's going to be very good offensively.
  14. Manny has a special arm. Probably the strongest arm I've seen from an Oriole so yes, he probably would have thrown a laser over there, but Martin had enough on that throw to get the out.
  15. That and an almost otherwordly lack of game awareness. I agree though, Beckam had all the tools to make those kinds of plays, he just was always going to be inconsistent.
  16. Plays like this is why scoff at people when they say he doesn't have any range or has a poor arm. Martin has been inconsistent at times and I know his defensive metrics have not been great (I can't wait for statcast infield metrics), but I'd be completely fine with him at SS if he could find a way to OPS .700-.720 one day.
  17. Well weams rightfully put the hammer on him so at this point, who cares? I'm not sure why some people think their opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is clearly wrong.
  18. There was a certain troll (who is gone now) who kept bringing this up when Dwight smith Jr. Started off hot. 2019 MLB stats Dwight Smith Jr. : .246/.296/.456/.752 , -10 Rdrs/yr Mike Yastrzemski: .264./325/.472/.797, 22 Rdrs/YR 2019 Statcast Dwight Smith Jr. : 5.6% Barrel%, 88 EV, .246 xBA, .407 xSLG, 38.8% hard hit, WOBA .321, xWOBA .306 Mike Yastrzemski: 9.8% Barrell%, 87.3 EV, .209 xBA, .390 xSLG, 33.3% hard hit, WOBA, .341, xWOBA .288 2019 Statcast Speed and defense Dwight Smith Jr. : 26.2 sprint speed (37.1% MLB), OOA -6, (-.4 reaction, -2.5 burst, -0.2 route), catch % added -5 Mike Yastrzemski: 27.9 sprint speed (79.2% MLB) OOA 1, ( -1.1 reaction, -0.6 burst, 0.7 route), catch % added 3 Although Smith has more playing time than Yastrzemski, Yaz had 80 PAs now so some of his data is useful for comparison sakes. What do i see from the numbers? Smith get the advantage of hitting the ball harder more than Yaz, but Yaz barrels more balls. Overall though, when you look at them, they are similar batters and even though Yaz has outperformed him so far, I'm thinking over time Smith will have a slightly better but similar bat. When it comes to speed and defense it's not even close. Yaz is much faster and plays better defense in every respect over Smith Jr. who is a well below average defender. I doubt either is a player of the future here, but I'd rather have Yaz in CF than Broxton or Wilkerson at this point. Yaz is two years older than Smith, so I can understand why he get the look instead of Yaz, but at the end of the day, they are similar players offensively, but Yaz is actually much better in speed and defense making him the better overall player. So if I missed on this comparison at all, it's that I underestimated Yaz's full game while not having enough information on Smith's speed an defense.
  19. I wouldn't want Villar on SS everyday, but he's fine to fill in here and there. He's got he tools but just doesn't have the hands of consistency you wold want from an everyday guy.
  20. I keep seeing you write the same thing over and over, but I've got to totally disagree with you on his defensive tools. First off, his arm is a solid average major league SS arm. He's got decent range and a good first step, but the hands can be a little shaky. Offensively, his hit tool is certainly well below average and his power is probably 35 as well. He's got 70 speed though and overall he has very good game awareness and is a smart player on the field. I've been disappointed in his defense of late, but i wonder if the constant failure at the plate is affecting his glove? Either way, Martin is going nowhere. Would I count him as my everyday SS in 2-3 seasons, probably not, but do I think he could end up a decent utility guy who can play all over the infield and perhaps the outfield to include CF because of his speed? Sure. Martin was not ready for the major leagues, but under the circumstances of this season, I have no issue with running him out there this year. I think Hyde has handled him pretty well by moving Villar onto SS when giving him some time off. A lot was asked of Martin, and although he hasn't played well overall, and on a contending team he would be nowhere near a major league roster, he's hanging int there.
  21. This would literally be the best halftime show of all-time!
  22. That's the kind of lack of awareness that should be purged from this organization.
  23. First off, you can like whoever you like. Just because others do not share your views does not make them "haters". Sisco has clear deficiencies in his defensive game, even now after all of that minor league development. He's never going to be a good defensive catcher. Can he improve still sure, that's possible, but it has always been more than his throwing. Offensively he's hitting the ball hard so far this season and that's obviously a good sign. The EV isn't great but he has a 50% hard hit rate so far in the early going though that K rate suggest some regression there. For me personally, I'm fine with them giving him PAs, but I would rather see Severino get more of the PAs behind the dish with Sisco picking up some DH PAs.
  24. Hyde really doesn't have a lot of options with a short bench, but I do agree that I'd like to see hi start t hold these players accountable with either benchings or being pulled from games. I can't really hold him very accountable for this team, but it will bare watching how he deals with these continued bone-headed plays from players.
  25. Agile is not a word I would use around Sisco. I'd probably try 3B before 2B.
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