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Tx Oriole

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Everything posted by Tx Oriole

  1. Not sure about that Rick. I’d rather see a minor league pitcher than having KG back.
  2. Davis will be around next year I’m afraid. I wish this was the last year of him and that horrible contract.
  3. If he helps turn the team around I don’t that he pisses people off.
  4. Could he be a coach instead of a player?
  5. Well I don’t even care anymore.
  6. With you on that. Why play those two?
  7. Why should he be fired? Did he really have a fair chance with the team he had?
  8. Would be nice if he retired.
  9. Prayers for his friends and family.
  10. Taylor Ducks little leaguers are better than the Orioles.
  11. Glenn Miller is my favorite music. Now I know that’s not classical but I enjoy Big Band Music. Now back to the O’s.
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