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Tx Oriole

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Everything posted by Tx Oriole

  1. Nine more years? I doubt I’ll live that long.
  2. Hope not for the Orioles.
  3. That’s all on Jake. I don’t understand why a young pitcher thinks he knows it all and won’t listen to a vet pitcher? It might have helped him with the O’s. But I’m glad he went to the Cubs.
  4. That’s sad. He was among the first players I tried to keep up with. Prayers to his family and friends.
  5. I don’t see Davis leaving.
  6. I not surprised he could be interested.
  7. I would hope they get the best coaches they can. Don’t have to be former Orioles players.
  8. I hope the O’s cut all ties with Davis.
  9. For 1st baseman I’d play Mancini there. As for the rest of the team. I just don’t know enough about the players to say.
  10. Replace him? He doesn’t need to be replaced. Trey moves to first permanently. Done and done.
  11. This season has gone by so fast. Seems faster than last season.
  12. I shouldn’t but I’m going to. Why on earth would MLB move the Orioles because of riots in Baltimore? It has happened in other MLB cities.
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