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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. I'm guessing there aren't going to be any luxury tax signings?
  2. Goes to show you how amazing the Orioles defense was during Palmer's peak years. I'm hopeful that the Orioles will focus on defense in the very near future.
  3. Agree with you on this. He's a nice player, but definitely one we should have saved some cash on. I was thinking he could get around 1.5 and we'd be able to go after some of these HS guys we drafted.
  4. I'm a little (ok...a lot!) ignorant on the draft dollars. If Knight and the O's don't come to terms, can they use his slot money to sign any other players, or is it only dollars you save that can be used for bonus money?
  5. Despite his obvious over-achievement this season thus far, I'd still rather have Flaherty over Vielma, Sardinas, or anyone else we could currently have in the "utility guy" role.
  6. Now...if we could just find someone/anyone to take Trumbo.
  7. So did Rafael Palmeiro's first two free agent contracts.
  8. I'm not sure these two are contradictory.
  9. And just to add to this, we are likely stuck with him for the next two years. So, let's hope he returns to his normal output.
  10. I think both of these guys should be playing at least a few times a week right now. Rickard's participation would be pinch-running and possible late-inning defensive replacement at this point.
  11. I'm curious as to how he looks defensively. I honestly can't see how he'd be any worse than Rickard offensively.
  12. Bum! They should release him now.
  13. I think after he hits the required games limit, they can send him down. He'd still have options.
  14. Good luck to him in college. Looking at his early tweets, it appeared that he was looking forward to getting his pro career started. Guess either Texas A&M or his parents convinced him otherwise.
  15. Considering we spend almost nothing on international signings, this better get done.
  16. Wow...this looks like a guy they should try to get done. We need all the pitching we can get.
  17. Where MacPhail is the "Percolator", Duquette is the "Tinkerer".
  18. Good for Nick! He's definitely one of my favorite O's of all time. I wish him nothing but the best...except when the Braves play the O's!
  19. Yup. Can't afford to lose these games. If you get blown out, you just shake it off and move on. But, losing winnable games, especially in this fashion against a bad team, are killers.
  20. Maybe it's just me, but this 2016 team reminds me of ANOTHER anniversary team. There are similarities, but they aren't EXACT. That team is the 1986 Orioles. They played pretty well, reaching a season-high 12 games over .500 on August 5, 1986 (my 20th birthday), then fell completely apart, mostly because of horrific pitching. As a matter of fact, the August 6th game, in my opinion, was the kickoff of the serious decline in Orioles' baseball. That was the game where they battled back by hitting 2 grand slams in the game, only to lose to Texas 13-11. This year's team plays better defense than the 1986 team, but the pitching is what ultimately undid them. Their hitting also fell off quite a bit after that August 6th game. I hope the results are different this year...but it's something that's stuck in my head recently watching this team.
  21. Both Sedlock and Harvey are having the "ball coming out of their hand" well. I'm not sure if that's good or not!
  22. No matter how bad KG was here, he'll always have a soft spot in my heart based off of this.
  23. Yup. Dude was downright nasty last night.
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