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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. Is it the versatility in making outs that makes Hyde and Elias love him?
  2. Holy cow...he made that look easy.
  3. I am probably in the minority here, but I hope that as the season moves along, we'll see a number of impactful young guys come up and give this team a shot in the arm. I'm going with the 61-65 win range. I'm hoping we can see a 10 to 12 game improvement.
  4. Personally, I'm ok with a 4 year opt out. Your hope is that by 2023 or 2024 the O's are in a position to contend. It also gives prospects time to develop and we can possibly fill the Correa hole with someone from the system. Plus, by then, Correa will be thirty and if he wants to move on, more power to him.
  5. Love it. Great idea and tribute to two very big contributors to this site.
  6. Seven million for a back of the rotation starter? I don't think that's horrible if they get 150 innings out of him. Who else would come here for that type of money?
  7. I truly hope you are right. I don't think you are.
  8. Hard to believe this guy is only 27. Seems like he's been around forever.
  9. Hmm...although I love the guy for punching Bautista in the face, I don't love him as a player for this team.
  10. Good point. I think you meant Garcia instead of Santander. ? Wishful thinking, for sure!
  11. I honestly don't think they'd want Santander at this point.
  12. This team desperately needs starting pitching. If you can parlay Mullins into an arm that can step into the rotation now (or very soon), I think you have to consider it. Like @Frobby said...we are in a good position with him. You don't give him away, but you have to look into what his value is right now.
  13. At this point, the answer, in my opinion is "no". We don't have enough impact players in the system for this team to be contending in the next 1-2 years.
  14. I think the thing that disappoints me more than anything else is the lack of production from Santander, Hayes, and others who we thought could contribute this year. It's very discouraging that we are going into September with nothing (outside of Mullins, Means, Mountcastle, and maybe a couple of relievers) that truly look like they could be long-term assets. Combine this with having no one outside of Rutschman and Rodriguez as "top-notch" prospects, I just don't see this team competing in 1 or 2 years. I'd like to think we could do some things like sign or trade for some players that might get the team to 70 - 75 wins next year. I do like the idea of getting a couple of vets for the rotation...even overpaying if necessary. Even that, however, seems far-fetched. I don't know what the answers are. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that Elias and company know them, either.
  15. Way to go, weams! Could not think of a better guy to be the first OH HOFer.
  16. Reading this article makes me long for the ritual Spring Training articles with the infamous "I like the way the ball comes out of his hand" type quotes. Ready to see some baseball!
  17. Tampa knows when to hold 'em and knows when to fold 'em. I mean this with the utmost respect.
  18. I understand the Mom's frustration, but get a life. I realize this was something her son really wanted, but it sounds like Boddicker was doing a nice thing by taking the time to talk to another fan. I don't know Mike Boddicker myself, so I don't know if he's a jerk or not. To me, this guy's mother was the "bad guy" in this incident. And like others...I don't get the whole thing about autographs. At least, not to this extent.
  19. He'd have to be for us to sign him!
  20. Yup...I was there for this one, too. Amazing game...the crowd reminded me of Memorial Stadium that night.
  21. I think that ball Griffey hit is still orbiting the earth.
  22. I've been watching baseball for 35 years and the length of the game has never bothered me. If the length of the game is what bothers everyone else, maybe they shouldn't let the manager go to the mound and talk to the pitcher, then make the move. Or, they could prevent batters from stepping out to adjust their helmets, gloves, crotches or whatever else they need to do before each pitch. Maybe they should cut back on the between innings time. Or...get rid of the replay system.
  23. Agree wholeheartedly with this post. If a team has the ability to carry a LOOGY on their roster, why should it matter how many batters he faces?
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