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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. I turned on the game about a minute before the catch by Taveras. That catch was really unfortunate in more ways than one, lol. And I don't believe him for a second.
  2. Our Manny has grown up. I'm impressed.
  3. Pretty amazing - 12 inches of horizontal movement. I imagine that degree of movement makes it a little more difficult to control. I'm remembering thinking Miguel Castro was going to be a star - when I first saw him throwing upper 90's with what looked like a ton of horizontal movement. Problem was it always seemed to move a couple inches out of the zone when he needed to hit it. He would have been (and still could be) great if he could just command his fastball a little better. But at some point, ya gotta do it, and he hasn't.
  4. Because I make the rules. j/k Do playoff teams actually do that? probably not for more than a couple of games. Not 9 games - especially with only 2 extra roster spots this year for September.
  5. One surprising thing in the link Tony provided on the fastball swings and misses (and there were a lot), was Lowther hit 93 on one of them - though all the others were 90 or 91. And I think the point Tony was making about his fastball is that it works within Lowther's arsenal - primarily with his high fastball complementing his low breaking balls. And when he's got the spin rates going like he did, his fastball is effective. It's certainly better than Alex Wells'. Maybe it's the glasses.
  6. Hell no. It goes against the integrity of the game to sit all of your good players. And the O's have already shown the ability to lose without even trying. Also, I don't buy the hype about Elijah Green being the clear 1-1.
  7. Trey's a team player. When he's not getting thrown out trying to use his speed to stretch a double into a triple, he's striking out or hitting into a DP, being a step slow trying to stop that liner down the... line. Hays - not so much lately - very selfish.
  8. Some real good stats but it's a no from me for next year. There's just too much swing and miss to his game right now. I hope he proves me wrong.
  9. 3K's and an infield single. I'll take that every time - even if it comes with a wild pitch.
  10. I gotta agree with Moose on this. It's not like they do interviews during games often, and I remember being mystified when you were all over them for interviewing ex-O's on the day they were inducted into the O's HOF. That was exactly when they should have interviewed them. I expect that most O's fans - like me - appreciated those interviews. The tv interviews were a lot of fun to watch/listen to.
  11. Yup, being a Braves fan, I enjoyed watching the Phillies implode at the end of so many games - and didn't like them beating the O's.
  12. Not to mention, Philly is starting a SS we got rid of - at 3B. And they have a poor bullpen themselves.
  13. Who would have thought the Lerners would hire the Angelos'. It made world peace seem possible. Wait what... the Nashville Orioles? Time is truly warped.
  14. Gosh, remember that vicious legal fight over that name between the Sandworms and the Savannah Sandnats - the Nats' minor league team - cost Dubai a fortune in bitcoins.
  15. Yeah, I meant to do that... as far as you know.
  16. That's the spirit! Unfortunately, you're right.
  17. That looked like the range you want in a SS.
  18. Will the real Keegan Akin please step up please stand up, please stand up. He's got to show up in ST in shape and in command. Then, he can be our 5th starter. Otherwise... bullpen.
  19. I think that is correct, and like I said - everything else you said was spot on.
  20. I think they're all fine - with Brown being a star in the making. The one problem combo is Garceau teamed with Palmer. There's just no chemistry there, and Garceau comes across as inept when they're paired together. I get the impression Palmer would prefer not to work with Garceau, and Garceau knows it. When he's with McDonald, Garceau appears much more relaxed. Ben can work with anyone.
  21. This is absurd. 2 straight O's called out on clearly outside stike 3's - and with a runner on 3rd. The one to Severino was a good 5 inches outside. I mean... wth?
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