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ledzepp8 last won the day on February 19 2012

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About ledzepp8

  • Birthday 12/06/1982

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    Richmond, VA
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    Music, Computer, Sports, Video Games. Love The O's, Terps In Basketball, Mountaineers In Football, and Packers.
  • Occupation
    Social Worker
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Nick Markakis
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken, Jr.

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  1. Especially since they won 2/3 vs them twice already. Not saying they’ll win but some of the people on this board have utterly ridiculous takes lately.
  2. Has it? Really? No serious person thinks that.
  3. They’ve won 192 games the past two seasons. But sure, let’s complain every time we don’t get a homer to left field.
  4. They were nearly identical against LHP as they were RHP. 249.315.437.751 against RHP. 253.317.432.750 vs LHP.
  5. KC should fix theirs too.
  6. Yep. Nothing annoys me more than watching a pitch go over the plate but called a ball because it missed the target.
  7. Their season ops is 686. Their ops got that 28 days is 681. Their ops in August and September is 713 and 686. First half ops was 687. Second half ops has been 685. Runs per in the first half was 4.25. Second half had been 4.2. Their pitching has improved. Their offense isn’t why they’re winning.
  8. I hate pretty much everything about games at Yankee stadium. The whistling after a K. The crowd overreaction to every can of corn like it’s a 440 ft home run. The Yankee roll call is probably the lamest thing in sports.
  9. Exactly. It was a frustrating two series but we did take two of the games and should have won a third. They beat us 1-0, 4-2, 6-4, and 4-3. It’s not like we weren’t playing them close, they just weren’t hitting.
  10. I think the writing was on the wall after Hyde let him get torched last night. He's completely snakebit. It's gotta be in his head. How many times has he come in and get the first two outs relatively easy and then just implodes?
  11. Exactly right. He was literally robbed of a game tying 3 run homerun against, I believe it was the Rays. For all the swing and miss in Cowser's game, he does make a lot of hard contact without positive results.
  12. What does this even mean? You note that we have replacements that aren’t as good, admit that it’s not Hyde’s fault, then blame him for the mistakes that arise from them being substandard players.
  13. Exactly right. The question didn’t really make any sense to begin with and he basically answered with a, “i don’t know. Why are you asking me?”
  14. We’re supposed to believe he was hit in the hand and had absolutely no reaction other than to stare down the umpire? Right.
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