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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. No, there doesn't seem to be a Fox game today. O's game is also the FREE game on MLB.TV tonight.
  2. Yes, but since we lost all the games David Lough started in CF, anyone could have done it. Filling in only matters if we win.
  3. I'm getting a bit bummed by the prospect of winning tonight and coming to the end of our streak. Can it be extended?
  4. Buck makes his major league debut as a player.
  5. I would like to see them figure out a way to do it. In another thread I proposed letting Cabrera go, since Flash can play SS and Pearce can cover 2B.
  6. Bundy for Markakis. Book it.
  7. Matt the Leash Shortener reporting for duty.
  8. Lots could happen when Wieters is added tomorrow. I want to see Givens up.
  9. Adam Jones scored all three runs today. Praise Adam Jones!
  10. I've been calling him that since spring training. Cybaldo is the man.
  11. We are 40% there. Next man up is Cybaldo. I feel confident.
  12. Palmer said it was a splitter that started outside the zone and ended up in the zone.
  13. This can't be. Everyone knows they did not improve the team during the off-season because Duquette was being fitted for snowshoes and refused to return phone calls.
  14. Starting the season with 19 games in the AL East, it means more than it would most seasons.
  15. Coming into the series, the Red Sox had been held to fewer than four runs only once in this young season. This weekend they haven't scored four runs in a game yet.
  16. I agree. Plus, they probably want him to get as many ABs as possible.
  17. Could be. I only saw the travel squad.
  18. Don't know if he's starting. He's listed on the travel squad.
  19. Figured some here would be interested.
  20. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Braves?src=hash">#Braves</a> outfielder Nick Markakis underwent successful fusion surgery today to repair a herniated disk in his neck.</p>— Atlanta Braves (@Braves) <a href=" ">December 17, 2014</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  21. This is not Orioles related.
  22. From what I see or hear on national media, conversation about the Yankees now seems to center on the wildcard. I think the O's will have to go into a major swoon before people start talking about the Yankees challenging for the AL East pennant again.
  23. Now 1/2 game behind the A's and 2 games behind the Angels for best record in baseball.
  24. Now that we're 18 games over .500, if we play .500 baseball the rest of the way we'll end up with 90 wins. I'm hoping for 95+.
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