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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. You know, the CEO of the Blue Jays was born and raised in Baltimore. His father was the agent for Brooks Robinson, Eddie Murray and many others.
  2. In hindsight, the RSDC award doesn't seem so bad. I suppose the new panel could award the Nats even more.
  3. What really matters is this month's arbitration ruling. Maybe the Angelos clan is waiting for that before deciding whether to hire a president or sell the team. They seem to be doing a good job of eliminating obligations and headcount, but haven't hired anyone.
  4. The first incident at first base was in the NLCS, not the World Series, and he hooked Aguilar's foot from the front; he did not step on his ankle. He's not the first ballplayer or celebrity to make mistakes. I hope he grows up soon.
  5. As Joe Buck pointed out, he lost sight of the ball while headed to second. The play was behind him. Once he found the ball again he took off for third.
  6. He busted his ass scoring from second the other day. Last night, he advanced to third and made it on the strength of a head-first dive, making sure to hold on to the bag. Later, he runs as hard as he can, takes an extra-long stride in an attempt to beat the throw to first, loses control of that stride, and gets accused of playing dirty. Can't win. Manny's made some mistakes, but now it seems the guy doesn't get a fair shake.
  7. He didn't step on Aguilar's heel. Watch a video. The Pearce incident was clearly an accident to me. He was out of control on that last step, not trying to hurt Pearce.
  8. What a scene last night, with EdRod on the mound and Steve Pearce at first, holding Manny on the bag. Doesn't look to me like Manny tried to clip Pearce. His last step to the bag was extra long. He wasn't in control.
  9. I don't really care which team wins the series. I'll be rooting for Manny and Pearce to do well.
  10. MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-run shot.
  11. Our new manager and coaches will need to be able to access this kind of info from the front office and share it with players to help them perform better, which is why we need a forward-thinking GM.
  12. I was hoping to see Manny go deep off Gausman once or twice. Maybe tomorrow.
  13. After the game, Manny met the kid who caught the ball - who was celebrating his 12th birthday - and autographed the ball for him. If Manny goes on a tear for a few weeks, this thing could be over.
  14. Maybe he confused Salmon and Haddock. George Haddock was a 10.5 WAR player from 1888 to 1894. He and Roy used to hang out.
  15. McDowell was never the Braves manager. He became their pitching coach in 2006 after we hire Leo Mazzone, the previous Braves pitching coach.
  16. Over six seasons, Gausman's pitching coaches with the O's included Rick Adair, Bill Castro, Dave Wallace and Roger McDowell. He was jerked around from minors (where he had more pitching coaches) to majors and back again, and was shuttled from the rotation to the bullpen. If an organization can't provide consistent instruction and coaching throughout the organization, then the pitcher can't know whose instruction to follow. This needs to be addressed in the rebuild if it hasn't been, already.
  17. David Hess has thrown three quality starts in a row, giving up a total of 3 earned runs in 19 innings. Am I claiming that makes him as good as Gausman? Of course not. It's just a small sample size until he proves it's not. Same with Gausman. I wish him all the best.
  18. And if this coming off-season is anything like the last one, all three could be unsigned when spring training begins.
  19. No team will view Jones as a CF. I don't even think Jones views himself as a CF anymore. As a free agent in the 'aging RF veteran presence who used to be CF' market, he'll be competing for a contract with Andrew McCutcheon, who is 14 months younger than Jones.
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