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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. Cashner pitched well under Brocail, then went to Boston and sucked eggs. Maybe the other pitchers aren't as coachable or haven't bought in to what he's selling.
  2. He didn't discuss why he hasn't been able to fix any of it in more than 2/3 of a season. Sounds like a guy making excuses for coaching a pitching staff that produces exceptionally bad results..
  3. As fans, it is critically important that we know exactly what is going to happen years in advance.
  4. The Orioles don't belong in the same bank as the Yankees.
  5. Some time after they complete their post-surgery rehabs.
  6. I'm sorry you don't understand my goal. I thought it was obvious.
  7. After this season the O's will owe Davis $17 million for three more years plus $42 million in deferred payments through 2037, for a total of $93 million. In exchange for him retiring, I would offer him $5.5 million per year for 18 years (through 2037). That would give him a total of $99 million dollars, $6 million more than he'll receive under the current arrangement. Chris gets paid. The annual amount doesn't cripple the team's budget. Since he'd make more money, the union should accept it.
  8. He'll be better when they move to St. Louis.
  9. Either let him sit or let him go. Playing him is the worst option.
  10. After we go to a 26-man active roster next year, you won't even notice him there at the end of the bench.
  11. Have we been mathematically eliminated yet?
  12. We all know who the Most Awful Per Dollar is.
  13. Maybe dey need to clear deir beaks so dey can breed easier.
  14. MLB would probably like a scenario in which the O's move for 2022 and get replaced in 2027 by the Rays (their lease ends in 2026), because it would end the MASN problem. I'd prefer them to sell to new owners who have no desire to move the team, regardless of where those owners live. But if the team is moved, Baltimore should negotiate for rights to retain the name Orioles so we don't have another Colts debacle.
  15. I was going to watch the game last night, but the thought of seeing Davis on the bench convinced me to watch a movie, instead.
  16. Whenever they cut him loose, it's going to be a bad scenes, so they should do it before the next core arrives.
  17. With yesterday being the 45th anniversary of a certain president's resignation, I wonder about the similarities of this Hyde/Davis meeting and the Paris peace talks. Specifically: Who else was in the room? Were they seated the entire time? Were they strapped to their chairs to keep them seated? Was there a table? If so, what shape was it? Is there a recording? The tapes must be fascinating.
  18. I wonder if Boras has called Elias yet to complain that Hyde made Davis throw his betting helmet at him.
  19. I get all my info directly from Chris Davis.
  20. If you were, so were a lot of people, including me and Elias.
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