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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I think this whole thing is stupid. I think JA is wrong, I think KB is being punished unfairly. And he seems like a good, humble guy. I am sure he is embarrassed by all of this. I also don't think this is that huge of a deal. I'm a Redskins/WFT/Commies fan. We just got rid of Dan Snyder...and there's nothing that JA has done that compares to what Dan Snyder did over the years. When JA starts suing his own season-ticket holders, call me. This is tiddlywinks in comparison. That said, I agree....we can love the team, hate the owner.
  2. Safe bet. I’d like to know all the stupid reasons.
  3. I still think there's more to this story. No, I get it, he was suspended for that well-circulated clip. I get that, I believe that. But I also don't believe he get suspended THIS long for something like THAT. I bet JA just doesn't like him for some reason. This had to have been some kind of a straw that broke the camel's back.
  4. Man, I haven't seen anyone get dragged on this board that badly in a long, long time. Maybe ever. A full page of people just trashing @2001OriolesFan.
  5. With JA standing over their shoulder, dictating to them. JA is a great dictator.
  6. He does seem to be the type that would have a burner account.
  7. Exactly. I think you've done your fair share of bitching here, too.
  8. Imagine the JA sized ego you've gotta have in order to want to discredit a website simply because YOU haven't heard of it.
  9. We're also in that time of the year where there's nothing else to really report on. It's just baseball now...football is getting ramped up, if anyone cares about the women's World Cup they don't anymore because the USA team got bounced...there's not a lot else going on.
  10. Can anyone be overblown in their hatred of all things Angelos?
  11. I'd rep with the laugh rep thing but I'm out.
  12. I think most people can separate the good that's going on in the field vs JA/Kevin Brown. People outside of this market are going to forget about this in a week or two. We certainly won't forget but this is a nothingburger after Brown is back on the mic.
  13. I don't think Adley and Gunnar and the rest really care. Let's not forget they've wrestled away first place no matter who's in the booth. And even if it was a distraction, there's no real way to prove it unless someone admits it.
  14. I don't consider them the same but I do consider them close cousins.
  15. Yeah, it's been reliable. ESPN doesn't run something like this on the front page without confirming it up and down, 100%. So all it took for you to get into girls was Jon Miller leaving, eh?
  16. Brown is a class act. By all account, a good guy. He’s not going public with anything. There’s no upside in doing so anyway.
  17. Like I've been saying, I'm not a huge fan of his. I think he's pretty average...and while the Orioles have had better (Gary Thorne, Mel Proctor) they've certainly had worse (Jim Hunter, Michael Reghi). So Kevin Brown leaving doesn't automatically mean an upgrade...it could very well mean a downgrade. I slot Kevin Brown right in the middle of those two groups. That said, I do share your critique of him...the ironic, nerdy tone in his voice from time to time, the pop culture references, the weak puns, constant stretching to make connections ("2019's number one overall pick gets a hit off of 2019's eleventh overall pick!" and then reminding everyone at every given turn that Rutschman and Manoah were taken in the same round of the same draft). All of that adds up to me finding him irritating at times. But I'm not following how he's allowed this to become something the national media has seized upon and can take shots at the Orioles on. That blame lands squarely on JA for the terrible decision making and being thin-skinned. Brown hasn't done anything wrong the entire time...from saying what he said, to keeping perfectly quiet about the whole thing. Brown shoulders no blame for any of this. And even if he's back-channeling and talking to colleagues in the field, so what? That's no different than anyone in any profession anywhere if they were disciplined by a manager or business owner for something they felt was unfair. In regards to the colleagues moral outrage, I get it. Baseball announcers are a bit like reporters, they feel a certain responsibility to present the truth. And while they're clearly pulling for the home team, they also feel that they shouldn't be censored when they point out how things are going poorly as long as their critique isn't over the top. And I think everyone here (including me) is fine with his colleagues taking shots at the Orioles and JA on practically every single broadcast last night because it's a shot at JA. And an enemy of my enemy can be a friend. I don't think this episode takes away from anything at all. Anyone outside of this fanbase will have forgotten about this in a few weeks time...we'll remember it because it's an Angelos making a terrible decision about an announcer and we've been down this path before with PGA and Jon Miller. But like I said, I don't think this takes away from any of the success this year. Let's not what forget that what ultimately matters is that the Orioles are in first place in August, three games up on Tampa Bay, who, as recently as two months ago, no one thought could be caught.
  18. Wouldn’t be surprised if Kevin Brown has already fielded some calls today about his availability for a new job.
  19. Pretty sure votes are collected before the playoffs start and that the postseason has no bearing on the voting outcome.
  20. There is no comparison to Dan Snyder and Angelos. It’s nowhere near the same level.
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